Time and Location:

7pm ET Virtual Meeting https://meet.google.com/cih-ehxi-wbc

Call to Order:

Meeting called to order by Jonathan White at 7:05pm.

Board/Officer NamePositionTermAttendance (Y/N)
Jonathan WhiteBoard Member, Chairperson2023-2026Y
Bev MurdockBoard Member, Secretary2021-2024Y
Mike DeWanBoard Member2021-2024N (excused)
Brad HessBoard Member2022-2025Y (joined after consent agenda was passed)
Jessee MaloneyBoard Member2022-2025Y
Scott SilversBoard Member2023-2026Y
Jennifer ChuBoard Member2023-2024Y
John DubelkoTreasurer2023-2024Y

Consent Agenda

Any Board Member may make a motion in the Consent Agenda.  The purpose of the Consent Agenda is to propose motions that have been discussed by Board Members in advance and/or are expected to pass without objection.  If the item does not fit this description, it should be proposed in New Business. Discussion of Consent Agenda items should be done via Slack prior to the meeting.  Any Board Member present at the meeting may request that an item be moved from the Consent Agenda to New Business.  The motions in the Consent Agenda (after any items are moved to New Business) may be passed as a group if there are no objections.  Any motion that requests spending $250 or more must include a section on "Relevance to our tax exempt purpose".

CA1: Transition legal point of contact (Beverly Murdock)

Issue:  Current legal point of contact's term of office is ending and a new point of contact needs to be designated.

Solution:  Jonathan White has been the back up point of contact and can ensure a seamless transition.

Relevance to Tax Exempt Status:  None

Motion:  Move to appoint Jonathan White as the Board's primary interface to outside counsel.

Vote: Motion seconded and carried by voice vote

Approval of Prior Minutes

2024-04-24 Meeting of the Board of Directors - Makersmiths - Makersmiths Wiki

Vote:  Minutes approved by voice vote

Officer Reports


Post election actions - new Board assumes positions at the close of the election (annual meeting of the membership), handover support appreciated during the transition before the next Board meeting.  Officers and Bookkeeper will be appointed at the next Board meeting.  


Verbal election update




Committee Reports:

Membership Committee (Mark Milsap)

Marketing Committee (Jason Gilligan)

Website Committee (Maggie Toth)

Need to get additional volunteers and assess needs.

Leesburg Facility Committee (Jessee Maloney)

Update on the "room switcheroo" 

Electronics needs to execute their move independent of any larger Leesburg classroom planning discussions to remove impediment to the materials that go into the old electronics room and planned print making activities/classes.

In-room to-dos to help with volunteers performing tasks and tracking activity

Purcellville Facility Committee (Dave Painter)

Scheduling Committee (Jennifer Chu)

Newsletter Committee (Melissa Kowalski)

IT Committee (Scott Silvers) 

New computers in (awaiting WiFi antenna) then will be set up/installed (including in classroom)

Standing Rules Committee (Jonathan White)

New chair needed for future.  Jen guest-chaired last meeting.  Discussion on committees/formation, and roles/responsibilities for stewards.  Discussion on President/Treasurer as Board members, not a lot of interest in changing.  Should Directors/Officers be allowed as non-members - currently allowed to provide flexibility in having outside expert members.

New Business

NB1: Increase in Membership Dues (Jennifer Chu)

Issue:  Inflation is severely impacting our costs, expenses, and budget. We have not had a dues increase in quite a long time.

Solution:  Increase Individual and Household Membership dues by $10.

Relevance to Tax Exempt Status:  None

Motion:  Move to increase Individual Membership dues and Household Membership dues by $10.  Individual Membership dues will be $60 per month.  Household Membership dues will be $110 per month.

Vote: Motion not seconded.

NB2: Dissolve the IT Committee and replace with an IT Steward (Scott Silvers)

Issue:  Per our Standing Rules, Section 5, Bullet 8 “If a committee is unable to find at least three members, the chair of that committee or the Secretary will notify the Board of committee dissolution.” The IT Committee has not been able to draw consistent attendance in a few years.  Conversations with the prior committee chair, Michael James, confirm that he had similar issues.  A standing committee structure does not appear to be the ideal way of handling IT at Makersmiths.  Having a steward with the ability to convene ad hoc advisory committees for major IT infrastructure changes will be more effective.  It will still allow for members with IT knowledge to participate, much as other tool stewards have trusted helpers to maintain equipment and troubleshoot issues.

Solution:  Dissolve the IT Committee and replace with an IT Steward

Relevance to Tax Exempt Status:  None

Motion:  Move to dissolve the IT Committee per the Standing Rules and appoint Scott Silvers as the IT Steward.

Vote: Motion seconded, but does not carry with a majority

NB3: Appoint Ken Fuentecilla as Tool Steward for the Stained Glass Shop (Jennifer Chu)

Issue:  Some equipment in the stained glass shop have pricey replacement parts (e.g., grinders, ring saw).  Ken Fuentecilla would like to make the equipment "red tools" to ensure that members are trained in the properly use and operation of the equipment before they are authorized to use the equipment independently.  However, only tool stewards can decide if a tool is a "red tool".

Solution:  Appoint Ken Fuentecilla as the tool steward for the stained glass shop.

Relevance to Tax Exempt Status:  None


  • NB3A:  Move to waive 7 day advance notice
    Vote: Motion seconded, motion carries by voice vote
  • NB3B:  Move to Appoint Ken Fuentecilla as the tool steward for the stained glass shop.
    Motion to amend:  Move to appoint Ken Fuenticilla as the tool steward for the heavy stained glass equipment
    Motion does not carry
    Motion to amend:  Move to appoint Ken Fuenticilla as the tool steward for the heavy stained glass equipment including the grinder and ring saw
    Motion seconded and approved
  • Vote:   Motion as amended carries by voice vote


Open Discussion

10th anniversary celebration warranted - working group to form to explore

Executive Session

No motions made or action taken


Meeting adjourned by Jonathan White at 9:15pm