Meeting called to order by (Jonathan White) at (7:05pm).
Board/Officer Name | Position | Term | Attendance (Y/N) |
Jonathan White | Board Member, Chairperson | 2023-2026 | Y |
Evin Grano | Board Member | 2024-2027 | Y |
Bo Wernick | Board Member, Secretary | 2024-2027 | Y |
Brad Hess | Board Member | 2022-2025 | Y |
Scott Silvers | Board Member | 2023-2026 | Y |
Jennifer Chu | Board Member | 2024-2027 | Y |
Mary Waldron | Treasurer | 2024-2025 | Y |
Nedim Ogelman | President | 2024-2025 | Y |
Any Board Member may make a motion in the Consent Agenda. The purpose of the Consent Agenda is to propose motions that have been discussed by Board Members in advance and/or are expected to pass without objection. If the item does not fit this description, it should be proposed in New Business. Discussion of Consent Agenda items should be done via Slack prior to the meeting. Any Board Member present at the meeting may request that an item be moved from the Consent Agenda to New Business. The motions in the Consent Agenda (after any items are moved to New Business) may be passed as a group if there are no objections. Any motion that requests spending $250 or more must include a section on "Relevance to our tax exempt purpose".
2024-07-31 Meeting of the Board of Directors
Vote: Motion to approve prior minutes passes by voice vote.
We have 2 nominations for the interim board election. They will each be given 3-5 minutes to address the membership at the membership meeting on September 4th, 2024. Elections will open at that time, and will close on September 12th, 2024 at 8pm.
Meeting with members and work days. Looking to support MSL and MSP with snacks at work days.
Jonathan White will post on slack the job description and request for interest in chairing the Membership Committee.
Jonathan White will post on slack the job description and request for interest in chairing the Marketing Committee.
Mark Millsap is working on build-out of the MSL basement. MSL work day is focused on preparing the space for the 10 year party.
Gravel brought in to support new floor buildout in the end storage bay. Dumpster service quoted and starting next month. Fiber laser up and running, classes being scheduled.
Finance Committee August 2024 Report (1).doc Restarting the Finance Committee. All stewards will be invited to give input on budgeting for 2025.
List of changes and review are complete and will be circulated to the BoD soon.
Minutes from last committee meeting -
Issue: The Standing Rules need to be updated with the correct machine use time costs and an agreed unit of measure.
Solution: Update the Standing Rules with the following machine use fees which are in half hour increments. Square and signage also needs to be updated, but this isn't required to be passed by the Board.
Relevance to Tax Exempt Status: None
Motion: Move to approve the table as presented below and update the Standing Rules accordingly.
Vote: Motion passes by voice vote
Issue: This year is Makersmiths' 10th Anniversary. We need to celebrate this milestone with the membership. Party will be on Sunday, September 29th at the Leesburg location.
Solution: The organization will provide $500 for the party for the following items:
Relevance to Tax Exempt Status: None
Motion: Waive the 7 day requirement for agenda items.
Vote: Motion passes by voice vote
Motion: Move to approve $500 from the operating budget for the party, with Jennifer Chu as the oversight of the fund. Any additional funds will be returned to the operating budget.
Vote: Motion passes by voice vote
Issue: Melissa Kowalski has stepped down as Newsletter Committee Chair. We need to find another volunteer to lead this effort if we want to have monthly newsletters. Jenna Conn has expressed an interest in helping with the newsletter and being the Newsletter Committee Chair. Jenna has experience in writing and website work.
Solution: Appoint Jenna Conn as the chair of the Newsletter Committee.
Relevance to Tax Exempt Status: None
Motion: Waive the 7 day requirement for agenda items.
Vote: Motion passes by voice vote
Motion: Move to appoint Jenna Conn as the chair of the Newsletter Committee.
Vote: Motion passes by voice vote
Issue: It would be fun to offer raffle prizes at the 10th Anniversary Party.
Solution: Raffle prizes for 10th Anniversary Party
Relevance to Tax Exempt Status: None
Motion: Waive the 7 day requirement for agenda items.
Vote: Motion passes by voice vote
Motion: Move to offer the following as raffle prizes for the 10th Anniversary Party. Total cost $270 as lost income.
Vote: Motion passes by voice vote
Treasurer posted the current budget documents. The Petty Cash and Snack and Beverage Policy are based on Best Accounting Practices to ensure complete and accurate accounting of Makersmiths funds. The Operating Budget Policy is based on Makersmiths' current operating practice with regards to overspending monthly budgets.
Operating Budget Policy (1).pdf
Snack and Beverage Policy and Procedure (1).pdf
Petty Cash Policy and Procedure.pdf
Additionally, this is the class instructor procedure. It is still in the works, but here for review as a vote will be proposed to accept it when finalized.
Classes Policy and Procedures.doc
Jessee Maloney approved the plan to tear down the non structure wall in the basement, tear up the tiles and put down the previously purchased floor sealant. Suggested that the group doing the project to think about doing one half of the room, and then the other in a similar style to how the Purcellville Classroom was done by John Dubelko. This would interfere the least amount with the rest of the building and the makers who use it, especially since we are preparing for the 10th anniversary party in 1.5 months.
The Leesburg Department of Economic Development has sent us an invitation to joint their program entitled: Celebration Package for New and Existing Businesses. This may be useful for our 10 year anniversary. More details can be found here:
Diane Painter asked about selling materials and consumables, specifically for the sublimation printer. Some research is needed to determine the non-profit and tax issues.
The board went into Executive Session, no motions were presented.
Meeting adjourned by Jonathan White at 8:24pm