Meeting called to order by (Jonathan White) at (7:06).
Board/Officer Name | Position | Term | Attendance (Y/N) |
Jonathan White | Board Member, Chairperson | 2023-2026 | Y |
Evin Grano | Board Member | 2024-2027 | Y |
Bo Wernick | Board Member, Secretary | 2024-2027 | Y |
Brad Hess | Board Member | 2022-2025 | Y |
Scott Silvers | Board Member | 2023-2026 | Y |
Jennifer Chu | Board Member | 2024-2027 | Y |
Jim Waldron | Board Member | 2024-2025 | Y |
Mary Waldron | Treasurer | 2024-2025 | Y |
Nedim Ogelman | President | 2024-2025 | Y |
Any Board Member may make a motion in the Consent Agenda. The purpose of the Consent Agenda is to propose motions that have been discussed by Board Members in advance and/or are expected to pass without objection. If the item does not fit this description, it should be proposed in New Business. Discussion of Consent Agenda items should be done via Slack prior to the meeting. Any Board Member present at the meeting may request that an item be moved from the Consent Agenda to New Business. The motions in the Consent Agenda (after any items are moved to New Business) may be passed as a group if there are no objections. Any motion that requests spending $250 or more must include a section on "Relevance to our tax exempt purpose".
CA1: Appoint Dave Painter and Diane Painter as Purcellville Green Room Stewards (Jim Waldron)
Issue: The green room at MSP needs a steward
Solution: Appoint Dave Painter and Diane Painter as Purcellville Green Room Stewards
Relevance to Tax Exempt Status: NA
Motion: Move to appoint Dave Painter and Diane Painter as Purcellville Green Room Stewards
Issue: Stewart needed for Cannon PRO-100 printer
Solution: Appoint Jim Waldron as Cannon PRO-100 Printer Steward
Relevance to Tax Exempt Status: NA
Motion: Move to appoint Jim Waldron as Cannon PRO-100 Printer Steward
Issue: Ken Fuentecilla and Dawn Martin are currently co-stewards of the Lower Building Craft Room. The stained glass equipment has been moved to the Lower Building Classroom, so Ken no longer oversees any equipment in the craft room and he would like to step down as co-steward of that room. The fiber laser has been moved into the craft room and Jonathan White is the tool steward of the fiber laser. The CO2 laser cutter is also located in the craft room and Jonathan White teaches CO2 laser cutter classes and is familiar with this machine.
Solution: Appoint Jonathan White as co-steward of the Lower Building Craft Room. Dawn Martin will remain co-steward of the Lower Building Craft Room.
Relevance to Tax Exempt Status: NA
Motion: Move to appoint Jonathan White as co-steward of the Purcellville Lower Building Craft Room.
Vote: Motion to approve all Consent Agenda items passes by voice vote.
2024-08-28 Meeting of the Board of Directors
Vote: Minutes approved by voice vote.
Special election is complete. The winner is Jim Waldron.
$30 due to Bo Wernick for election reimbursement to
List of admins to software tools posted in the Board Restricted folder on Gdrive.
Beverage license approved for 10 year party (needs to be posted)
3 "members" need renewal dates set.
New chair needed.
New chair needed.
Garbage collection at MSP is delivered. Pickup date TBD, every two weeks.
Concrete got poured on end bay.
Fiber laser is up and running.
The Finance Committee has developed budget spreadsheets for each steward and will distribute them to the stewards the week of September 16th.
The Finance Committee is reviewing three SOPs: petty cash, snack and beverage income and expense recording in QB, and approving/disapproving purchases or reimbursements if monthly budget is exceeded.
The Treasurer will contact 3 accountants.
Relevance to Tax Exempt Status:
Vote: xxx
Issue: Makersmiths would like to support the local elementary school's fall festival
Solution: A donation of a free class voucher to Catoctin ES to build brand awareness
Relevance to Tax Exempt Status: None
Motion: Move to offer a donation of a voucher for one free class to Catoctin ES. Total cost $40 as lost income.
Vote: Motion passes by voice vote
Issue: The Bylaws and Standing Rules Committee met on 5/13/204, 6/17/2024, 7/22/2024, 8/19/2024 and 9/9/2024 to discuss proposed revisions to the bylaws and standing rules. This included reviewing the Canvas list of potential bylaws and standing rules issues/items to consider. The final proposed revisions to the bylaws and standing rules are ready for review and approval by the Board. The documents are posted to the Google Drive (see hyperlinks below). The FOR REVIEW documents include all the proposed revisions as tracked changes. The Consolidated documents show the minor formatting, numbering, spelling, etc. changes as accepted and the substantial changes are highlighted.
Makersmiths Bylaws - Consolidated Sept 2024
FOR REVIEW Makersmiths Bylaws
Makersmiths Standing Rules - Consolidated Sept 2024
FOR REVIEW Makersmiths Standing Rules
Solution: Approve the proposed revisions to the bylaws and standing rules.
Relevance to Tax Exempt Status: NA
Motion: Move to approve the proposed revisions to the bylaws and standing rules as shown in the following documents.
Makersmiths Bylaws - Consolidated Sept 2024
Makersmiths Standing Rules - Consolidated Sept 2024
Vote: Vote defeated by voice vote
Relevance to Tax Exempt Status:
Vote: xxx
The Treasurer has compiled a list of members who manage or have access to various Makersmiths operations and software. This list needs to be updated and reviewed and posted.
Christine Dinger for steward of the Cricut Machines
Zach Thompson for steward of the vinyl cutter
10 year anniversary party at MSL Sunday, September 29th, 1-6pm
Create "magic child" themed stickers to give away to people attending the Harry Potter event.
Meeting adjourned by Jonathan White at 8:15pm