Time and Location:

7pm ET Virtual Meeting https://meet.google.com/cih-ehxi-wbc

Call to Order:

Meeting called to order by (NAME HERE) at (TIME HERE).

Board/Officer NamePositionTermAttendance (Y/N)
Jonathan WhiteBoard Member, Chairperson2023-2026
Brad HessBoard Member2022-2025
Scott SilversBoard Member2023-2026
Jennifer ChuBoard Member2024-2027
Bo WernickBoard Member, Secretary2024-2027
Evin GranoBoard Member2024-2027
Jim WaldronBoard Member2024-2025

Mary Waldron

Nedim OgelmanPresident2024-2025

Consent Agenda

Any Board Member may make a motion in the Consent Agenda.  The purpose of the Consent Agenda is to propose motions that have been discussed by Board Members in advance and/or are expected to pass without objection.  If the item does not fit this description, it should be proposed in New Business. Discussion of Consent Agenda items should be done via Slack prior to the meeting.  Any Board Member present at the meeting may request that an item be moved from the Consent Agenda to New Business.  The motions in the Consent Agenda (after any items are moved to New Business) may be passed as a group if there are no objections.  Any motion that requests spending $250 or more must include a section on "Relevance to our tax exempt purpose".

CA1: Additional $40 for free class certificate (Jim W)

Issue: At the anniversary party an extra certificate (bound for the Catoctin Festival) was mistakenly given out as a door prize.

Solution: Honor the extra certificate.  Allocate an additional $40 expense.

Relevance to Tax Exempt Status: None

Motion: Allocate $40 for free class certificate.

Vote: Passes by voice vote

CA2: Appoint New Leesburg Site Steward (Scott Silvers)

Issue: Jessee Maloney has communicated that she intends to step down as the Leesburg Site Steward. She has requested that John Carter be considered to succeed her in the position. John has been working closely with Jessee over the last couple of years and is familiar with the current state of various projects and plans to maintain and improve the space. John has stated that he is interested in taking the position.

Solution: Appoint John Carter as the new Leesburg Site Steward

Relevance to Tax Exempt Status: None

Motion: Move to appoint John Carter as the new Leesburg Site Steward effective immediately

Vote: Passes by voice vote

Approval of Prior Minutes

INSERT LINK TO PRIOR MINUTES HERE: http://wiki.makersmiths.org/x/GIB3C

Vote: Pass by voice vote

Officer Reports




Nothing to report




Committee Reports:

Membership Committee (Vacant)

Marketing Committee (Vacant)

Website Committee (Maggie Toth)

Leesburg Facility Committee (Jessee Maloney)

Purcellville Facility Committee (Dave Painter)

Scheduling Committee (Jennifer Chu)

Newsletter Committee (Jenna Conn)

IT Committee (Scott Silvers)

Working on budgeting with treasurer for computer and IT needs in 2025.

STEM Committee (Diane Painter)

Standing Rules Committee (Jennifer Chu)

Need to decide on next committee meeting date to discuss proposed changes to the standing rules.

Finance Committee (Mary Waldron)

Unfinished Business

New Business

NB1: QuickBooks Expert (Jim W for Treasurer) (7 day waiver)

Issue: The Treasurer is in need of a QuickBooks expert to explore options in QuickBooks to better track income and expenses, projects, grants, importing Stripe transactions, and major changes to the Chart of Accounts.
Solution: Allocate $500 for the Treasurer to consult with a QuickBooks expert.
These are the qualifications of the expert the Treasurer would like to use.
Candee Roth
Managing Partner at
Gadfly Ledgers, LLC
571-389-5359 Candee@gadfly.com
9113 Church St.  Suite 102
Manassas, VA 20169
I work with many different non-profits they range from larger, over 1 million a year in donations, to smaller dues-based organizations.  Each one has different requirements based on their needs for reporting. "
Relevance to Tax Exempt Status: None
Motion: Move to allocate $500 for the Treasurer to consult with a QuickBooks expert

Vote: Waiver approved by voice vote, Passes by voice vote

NB2: Remaining unused Project funds (Jim W for Treasurer) (7 day waiver)

Issue: Many Board Approved Projects are completed with some small amount of remaining funds.
Solution: Return remaining funds to their appropriate Bank or Reserve Fund as indicated in attached Table.
Relevance to Tax Exempt Status: None
Motion: Move to return remaining funds to the Bank or Reserve Fund as indicated in the Table.

Vote: Waiver approved by voice vote, Fails by voice vote

Notes: create better process for submission of spend proposals to indicate timelines and expectations of additional funds within budget. 


NB3: Extend the timeline for Fiber Laser budget (Jonathan White) (7 day Waiver) 

Issue: There is stull some budget in the fiber laser program. It was originally designated to end 3 months after it was approved (7/31). The steward (Jonathan White) would like to be able to purchase a few more small items with the remaining budget up until the end of the year. 

Solution: Extend the fiber laser budget timeline to expire at the end of December 2024. 

Relevance to Tax Exempt Status: None

Motion: Move to extend the fiber laser budget timeline to expire at the end of December 2024. 

Vote: Waiver approved by voice vote, Passes by voice vote

NB4: Purchase additional Arlo Cameras (Scott Silvers) 

Issue: The Arlo cameras at Purcellville for Welding & the EBF and the Leesburg Main Room & Metalshop are no longer functioning correctly. Troubleshooting points to hardware failures. These failures have resulted in missing footage of incidents

Solution: Purchase two 3-packs of Arlo Essential 2K security cameras. This will allow the replacement of the failing cameras as well as the addition of cameras to the Upper Building in the newly refinished end bay and outside. The current cost on Amazon is $269.99 per 3-pack so the anticipated final price is $572.38 including tax. In the long term, we need to invest in a commercial-level camera system as Arlo is designed as a home security system and lacks the features we need in our commercial buildings

Relevance to Tax Exempt Status: None

Motion: Move to allocate up to $600 from the Operations Budget to purchase 6 Arlo cameras.

Motion amended to: Move to allocate up to $650 from the Operations Budget to purchase 6 Arlo cameras and additional cables/chargers with any additional funds being returned within 1 month.

Vote: Amended motion passes by voice vote

NB5:Leatherworking (Scott Silvers)

Issue: Members have been working with leather in our spaces for years, and leatherworking classes have proven popular.  Makersmiths doesn't own many tools for leatherworking, so members have tried to make do and instructors have had to bring their personal tools for classes.
Solution: Purchase Leatherworking tools and supplies as outlined in the attached presentation
Relevance to Tax Exempt Status: None

Motion 1:  Move to approve a project budget of $2500 for the purchase of tools and supplies for classes and member use with funds sourced from the Operations Budget.. Any remaining funds after items in the presentation are purchased may be used towards the purchase of additional tools or supplies  Any funds not spent within 3 months of first purchase will be returned to the Operations Budget.

Vote: Passes by voice vote

Motion 2: Move to appoint Diane Bollinger as the steward for Leatherworking

Vote: Passes by voice vote

Motion 3: Move to establish a new budget line of $200/month for Leatherworking Steward starting in January 2025

Vote: Withdrawn

NB6: Electronic/Classroom buildout (Construction)(Brad H/Mark Millsap)

Issue: The electronics room is moving to the basement and we need to complete the buildout and add additional capabilities to the electronics area.
Solution: Allocate a project budget to facilitate the build out of the electronics and classroom areas. Details on allocation in the shared spreadsheet on the Build Out Materials tab
Relevance to Tax Exempt Status: None
Motion: Move to allocate $1800 towards he completion of the room buildout per the attached budget. Remaining funds will be returned to the Operating Budget within 3 months.

Vote: Passes by voice vote

NB7A: Electronic/Classroom buildout (Electronics A)(Brad H/Mark Millsap)

Issue: The electronics room is moving to the basement and we need to complete the buildout and add additional capabilities to the electronics area.
Solution: Allocate a project budget to facilitate the build out of the electronics functionality. Details on allocation in the shared spreadsheet on the Electronics Tools Tab
Relevance to Tax Exempt Status: None
Motion: Move to allocate $5800 for the purchase of tools, computers and equipment to support the electronics area per the attached budget. Remaining funds will be returned to the Operating Budget within 3 months.

Vote: Fails by voice vote

NB7B: Electronic/Classroom buildout (Electronics B)(Brad H/Mark Millsap) If the motion above does not pass

Issue: The electronics room is moving to the basement and we need to complete the buildout and add additional capabilities to the electronics area.
Solution: Allocate a project budget to facilitate the build out of the electronics functionality. Details on allocation in the shared spreadsheet on the Electronics Condensed Budget Tab
Relevance to Tax Exempt Status: None
Motion: Move to allocate $900 for the purchase of tools and equipment to support the electronics area per the attached budget. Remaining funds will be returned to the Operating Budget within 3 months.

Vote: Passes by voice vote

NB8A: Electronic/Classroom buildout (Furniture A)(Brad H/Mark Millsap)

Issue: The electronics room is moving to the basement and we need to complete the buildout and add additional capabilities to the electronics area.
Solution: Allocate a project budget to facilitate the new furniture for the classroom and electronics area. Details on allocation in the shared spreadsheet on the Furniture Budget Tab
Relevance to Tax Exempt Status: None
Motion: Move to allocate $7300 for the purchase of furniture to support the classroom and electronics area per the attached budget. Remaining funds will be returned to the Operating Budget within 3 months.

Vote: Fails by voice vote

NB8B: Electronic/Classroom buildout (Furniture B)(Brad H/Mark Millsap) if the motion above does not pass

Issue: The electronics room is moving to the basement and we need to complete the buildout and add additional capabilities to the electronics area.
Solution: Allocate a project budget to facilitate the new furniture for the classroom and electronics area. Details on allocation in the shared spreadsheet on the Furniture Budget Tab
Relevance to Tax Exempt Status: None
Motion: Move to allocate $1650 for the purchase of furniture to support the classroom and electronics area per the attached budget. Remaining funds will be returned to the Operating Budget within 3 months.

Vote: Passes by voice vote

NB9: Electronic/Classroom buildout (AV System)(Brad H/Mark Millsap)

Issue: The electronics/classroom is moving to the basement and we need to complete the buildout and add additional capabilities to the electronics area.
Solution: Allocate a project budget to facilitate the build out of video conference functionality in the classroom. Details on allocation in the shared spreadsheet on the video conference tab
Relevance to Tax Exempt Status: None
Motion: Move to allocate $3950 for the purchase of tools, computers and equipment to support the electronics area per the attached budget. Remaining funds will be returned to the Operating Budget within 3 months.

Vote: Fails by voice vote

NB10: Appoint Sally Soles as Marketing Committee Chair (Jonathan White) (7 day waiver)

Issue: Vacancy of Marketing Committee chair.
Resolution: Appoint Sally Soles chairperson of the Marketing Committee.

To the Board:  I'll start with the experience part--for 20 years I've been a professional, full time real estate agent.  In this role I not only serve and advise my clients, but I also spend a considerable amount of time and effort marketing homes and my services to future clients.  To be effective at this, one has to be creative (and persistent).  As I mentioned, I've been doing this for 20 years, so I think it is a fair statement to say I've been effective in my marketing practices and can bring those same principles to this role.  As for the why, I see this as a contribution I am able to make.  Thank you for your consideration. Sally Soles

Relevance to Tax Exempt Status: None
Motion: Move to appoint Sally Soles as Marketing Committee Chairperson.

Vote: Waiver approved by voice vote, Passes by voice vote

Open Discussion

(Nedim) Loudoun County is embarking on a Comprehensive Arts Plan, and we would like your input in a focus group. Marketing Chair and committee should be included in discussions with the county. Christa Stern meeting with doug steele at the county.

(Jim via treasurer) A great deal of information has been gathered and is currently being assembled into the 2025 Preliminary Budget Proposal.  I expect to be able to send each Board Member a copy soon and I will schedule a series of sessions in early November to explain, discuss, and answer questions.  The Preliminary Budget will be formally presented at the November Board meeting with approval expected at the December Board meeting.

(Bo via treasurer) Makersmiths as a Vehicle for potential donors to KidWind Fundraising efforts

(Jen) Require photos (head shots) of members for internal use - what if a member does not want to have his photo taken or provide a photo? Do we need to update our policy to include more verified member data (copy of drivers license, photo, etc)

(Jen) "Mentorship classes" (suggested by Diane Bollinger) - 1 on 1 “classes” or help sessions put on the calendar for experienced Makers to help out the membership with specific tasks (see attached write-up). What does the board think about this?



Meeting adjourned by Jim at 9:44PM