For introductory and general guidance for CNC: Learning CNC Resources
Thanks to Jonathan White :
Think of the sheets of pink/green insulation foam you can buy at the blue or orange hardware store, I did a small project on the EBF yesterday. After angsting about it for awhile, I gave it a shot and 10,000RPM, 150IPM, cutting the full 3/4 deep cut in one pass with an upcut 1/4 endmill, conventional milling, worked perfectly - crisp edges, no burning. The stepover was only 40% which could have been increased to reduce cut time. The only issue was that the bristles on the EBF dust hood scratched the top surface a bit, but this was a functional project so no big deal. That could be avoided by raising the dust hood a little bit.
Video of the clamping system:
Clamping System on Thingiverse:
Used with the fly cutter in Slot 8 to surface Slabs. Writes G-Code to do the cutting.
The program is on the Desktop on the EBF computer.
(Contact Jim on slack)
Used for making Juice Grooves in square or rectangular cutting boards (typically).
Writes G-Code to do the cutting.
This program is on the EBF computer.
(Contact Jim on slack)
The instructions for checking that the timer attached to the air compressor is set correctly are in the instruction sheets. Below is a short video on checking the timer: