



Discussion items


Approve minutes of last meeting
  • Approved minutes from 7/5 and7/11 meetings.

August 1 Membership levels change
  • Successful. Many thanks to Jessee Maloney, Jonathan White, Michael James

September General Membership Meeting Items

Membership Fees discussion requested by the Board
  •  See for a spreadsheet that can be used for the discussion. The Board has indicated that they think the proposed change in membership levels is unfair to Full Members and is suggesting that a change in Fees is warranted. Additionally, the Fees have never changed and we are losing ground to inflation. Fee changes were decoupled from level changes and the target is to have a recommendation by October for implementation in January.
    • Jessee thinks Membership Fees should stay at 50/100
    • UV Printer and Laser Printer power users met and proposed that we keep the tool usage rates the same between both membership levels. ("nobody should be penalized for not having a spouse"). They are proposing raising the rates to $6.00. - DONE
    • Should add tool usage rates to Standing Rules - should be board approved.
    • Add ability to have recurring donations... (Brad Hess) NOTE: We do not currently have the ability to do this with our current payment provider (Stripe).
    • Scott was thinking 59/99 
    • Grants, corporate sponsorships, donations from community-minded organizations...
    • Bryan thinks tax writeoff is a value, is OK with 59/99 rates
    • Wyatt likes the proposed tool usage rates, is there room for other options such as early notification of events for household members over individual members as incentive. 
    • Announce November 1, Effective Jan 1. (Give 2 months advance notice).
    • Messaging is important - first rate increase ever (since 2015)
    • Jessee alternately suggests 59/109
    • Check in on September 14 at 6:30 to see where we are 

Wild Apricot Data Review
  • Based on a conversation in the Marketing Committee, Jonathan White and Scott Newman started to review getting up-to-date waiver data
  • There is a conversation underway regarding Red Tool signoff data updated

Bluemont Fair
  • September 18-19, 10AM-5PM
  • Makersmiths will have a booth
  • Have 3 volunteers to staff the booth
    • September 18 - Bill Wotowiec, (need at least 1 more)
    • September 19 - Marti Wills, Ralph Pugh, Jessee (10-12),
  • Need planning and setup support
    • Handouts
      • Lasered pencils
    • Displays
      • QR Code signs - Jessee?
      • Mazes, Dueling Creepy Bots, Marble Drop Machine - Ralph Pugh
      • Resin River cutting board
      • 3D printed stuff - Jessee
      • UV wall items
      • Tormach stuff (Jessee/Brad)
      • Welding
      • Woodturning
      • Blacksmithing

Open House Hosts/Tour Guides
  • Please consider helping out with this important task.
  • We have regular Open House hosts in Leesburg (Jennifer Chu) and Purcellville (Stosh Kowalski), but sometimes they need backup/relief.
  • If you are interested, you can attend the regular Open Houses in both locations to get comfortable with the requirements
  • Draft Tour Outline:, please Comment/Suggest 
  • Jessee adding Once a month on Saturdays

New Member Orientation Instructors
  • Please consider helping out with this important task.
  • We have a regular instructor (Saadiq Hasan) but sometimes he needs backup/relief.
  • If you are interested, please sign up for and attend the regularly scheduled New Member Orientations.

Schedule Next Meeting
October 3, at 7PM

Action items