
-Scott Newman
-Jen Chu
-Jen Barlev
-Peat Bilby

We have a new recruit who is willing to help us manage FB chat and events. Jen B will transition that from Jon to new member

- Two new members available to assist
- Go week by week
- Create a roster
- Label "replied" when replied to
- Discuss a signature block for support@ referencing our nonprofit member run status
- Set up a filter to forward new member requests to Jen(?)

- Request new mailbox from Scott Silver:
Add to info@ group
Set the support@ account to show info@ as a reply-to address
Set the support@ account to reply all by default
Use single sign on so that Peat, Jen Chu and Jen B get the support@ mailbox when they sign into their Makersmiths accounts

Monthly member stat reports: Scott advises we take a screenshot on the last day of every month to capture stats.

Member safety: you don't have to leave the door unlocked!
Peat raises the issue that we don't always know people are authorized to be in the space when they walk through the door

Can Bev post meeting minutes to the Wiki under our committee and link to them from the board agenda? Can Jen B get wiki access and upload minutes directly? Investigate (Jen B will look into this.)

Peat will investigate the WA API for next month