Peat Bilby
Saadiq Haasan
Jen Chu
Jen Barlev

Theoretical discussion of the value of supporting teens and families in connecting maker kids who are under 18 with community mentors. Important to note that this was just the committee brainstorming possible opportunities and roadblocks as a first step in possibly expanding the org's community support mission. Until our ideas are actually presented to the board this is unofficial chatter and brainstorming.
-Block private messages for minors
-Give minors a badge IDing them as teen members
-Not a social chat! Provide a code of conduct.
-Mentor/mentee program for teen members (goes to volunteer hours)
-Survey families to find out what would add value to membership for those with children
-Parents have to sign off on Slack usage
-Google form survey to collect information on possible mentors/mentees

-Ask Geoff if he'll repeat electronics class

-Slack deactivation and August deactivation issues when WA is deactivated

11/7 Jen Chu
11/21 Saadiq Haasan
-Add to calendar
-Request photos of board members for orientation preso

-Jen B needs Google Drive docs
-Membership needs file repository

-Info box
Jen Chu is handling new members
Peat handles tours
Oddball emails are shared

Why is info@ a group? This causes email management issues - we need a mailbox. Investigate why this is set up this way.

For organizing onboarding and offboarding, we may want to develop custom fields in WA to track work. Ponder and discuss.

For future discussion: is there a way to report irresponsible behavior seen in the space?