Alicia G, Tim Cotter, Peat, Jen

-New member guide to red tool and other class options
-{email address redacted - Tim Cotter?} created a guide to classes for new members

-Can we remove green / yellow tools from the website

-Peat is covering Purcellville open houses until early June

-Point person for scouting events: who do we contact when we have questions
-create a form: how many people will you bring (adults + kids), what’s your schedule (seems like they come in once), late fall send out to troop leaders and as requested

-Review of tool authorizations in Wild Apricot

-API access to Wild Apricot to extract data and run reports -> Scott knows about this, ask him about it -> need admin for WA to help with this, need Scott to tell us what data we need to pull

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