Learning CNC Resources

For introductory and general guidance for CNC: Learning CNC Resources

Red Tool Training Class Slides




GCode explained



Milling Rigid Foam

Thanks to Jonathan White :

Think of the sheets of pink/green insulation foam you can buy at the blue or orange hardware store, I did a small project on the EBF yesterday.  After angsting about it for awhile, I gave it a shot and 10,000RPM, 150IPM, cutting the full 3/4 deep cut in one pass with an upcut 1/4 endmill, conventional milling, worked perfectly - crisp edges, no burning.  The stepover was only 40% which could have been increased to reduce cut time.  The only issue was that the bristles on the EBF dust hood scratched the top surface a bit, but this was a functional project so no big deal.  That could be avoided by raising the dust hood a little bit.

How did you secure to the bed?

I did mine with a 3D printed clamp system I’ve created. 

Video of the clamping system: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1OujpILwkB9RfiwdSSosVxea8PkIbwL0b/view?usp=drive_link



Removing a "Stuck Tool"


Air Compressor Timer

The instructions for checking that the timer attached to the air compressor is set correctly are in the instruction sheets.  Below is a short video on checking the timer:


EBF 'Con-treu-leur' (wiring diagram)