In person at Leesburg and virtual (

Attendance: Jim Waldron, Scott Silvers, Bo Wernick, Jennifer Chu

1) Committee Decisions (continuation of last month's discussion on proposed changes to the Committee section of the Standing Rules)

  • Reviewed different ways to address/resolve disagreement between committee chairs and committee members.
  • Decided that the less bureaucratic option would be to allow members to bring their concerns to the Board for resolution.  This can be done by adding a standing "Petitioner" section to the agenda for the monthly Board meetings.
  • Jen will add this item to the agenda for the June Board meeting under Open Discussion.
  • No further discussion needed.

2) Non-members as Directors and Officers (continuation of last month's discussion)

  • This was briefly discussed. 
  • Allowing non-Members as Directors and Officers was not a big concern since Directors are voted in by the general membership and Officers are appointed by the elected Directors, so there is accountability.
  • No further discussion needed.

3) Bookkeeper as an Officer

  • There was a concern that the Bookkeeper was not covered under the D&O insurance since the Bookkeeper is not an Officer position.  Making the Bookkeeper an Officer position would address this issue.
  • Additional research was done and it was determined that the Bookkeeper is indeed covered under the D&O insurance.  Therefore, this is no longer a concern.
  • No further discussion needed.

4) Next steps

  • In the #rules-and-bylaws-review channel, on the Canvas, there is a running list of potential bylaws/standing rules changes to be evaluated. 
  • There are currently about 14 items to be reviewed.  We can review the 14 items over the next 2 meetings and be done with bylaws and standing rules review.
  • Jen will review the Canvas list and pick out 7 items to discuss at the next meeting.  She will post the 7 items to the #rules-and-bylaws-review channel in the next 2 weeks and add them to the agenda for the next meeting. 

5) Next meeting - Monday, July 22nd at 7 pm at the Leesburg space and virtual

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