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Table of Contents

Time and Location:

Insert the time and location of the meeting here.

Call to Order:

Meeting called to order by (NAME HERE) at (TIME HERE).

Board/Officer NamePositionTermAttendance (Y/N)
Brad HessBoard Member2019-2022
Bev MurdockBoard Member2021-2024
Dave PainterBoard Member, Chairperson2020-2023
James WaldronBoard Member2019-2022
Jonathan WhiteBoard Member, Secretary2020-2023
Scott NewmanBoard Member2021-2024
Mike DeWanBoard Member2021-2024
John DubelkoPresident2020-2021
Mary WaldronTreasurer2020-2021

Consent Agenda

Any Board Member may make a motion in the Consent Agenda.  The purpose of the Consent Agenda is to propose motions that have been discussed by Board Members in advance and/or are expected to pass without objection.  If the item does not fit this description, it should be proposed in New Business. Discussion of Consent Agenda items should be done via Slack prior to the meeting.  Any Board Member present at the meeting may request that an item be moved from the Consent Agenda to New Business.  The motions in the Consent Agenda (after any items are moved to New Business) may be passed as a group if there are no objections.   The cut-off time for addition to or revision of a Consent Agenda motion is 48 hours prior to the meeting. Any motion that requests spending $250 or more must include a section on "Relevance to our tax exempt purpose".

CA1: Appoint New Marketing Committee Chair(Scott Newman)

Issue: Marketing Committee needs a new Chairperson. Chuck Whitacre has expressed a willingness to serve.

Solution: Appoint Chuck Whitacre as the new Marketing Committee Chair to succeed Scott Newman, who was acting temporarily in that role.

Relevance to Tax Exempt Status: None

Motion: Approve the appointment of Chuck Whitacre as the Marketing Committee Chair.

CA2: MS-P Blast Cabinet Dust Collection/Wiring Repairs (Scott Newman)

Issue: The Blast Cabinet has been out of service for some time due to 1) Dust collection not working; and 2) Wiring was declared unsafe.

Solution: Use donated blower motor and use PVC pipe to: 1) Route fresh air intakes to the front of the cabinet; 2) Build a manifold for the dust collection intakes and connect to the donated blower motor; and 3) Build a manifold for the dust collection exhaust filter bags. Total estimated cost not to exceed $300.

Relevance to Tax Exempt Status: None

Motion: Move to approve expenditures of up to $300 for blast cabinet dust collection and wiring repairs at Purcellville facility.

CA3: Change Date of November and December Board Meetings (Jonathan White )

Issue: The last Wednesday of the months of November and December fall inconveniently with holidays.

Solution: Schedule Board Meetings one week earlier in November and December.

Relevance to Tax Exempt Status: None

Motion: Move to hold the November Board Meeting on November 17th at 7:00PM and the December Board Meeting on December 15th at 7:00PM.

CA4: Disbanding of Welding and Blacksmithing Committees (John Dubelko)

Issue: Welding and blacksmithing committees have setup their respective areas and are in more of a caretaker mode now. 

Solution: Disband the committees and have a stewards appointed by the president. Skip Smith and Squirrl McClintock will have agreed to be the stewards of their respective areas.

Relevance to Tax Exempt Status: None

Motion: Disband the Welding and Blacksmithing committees. Appoint Skip Smith as the Welding shop steward and Squirrl McClintock as the Blacksmithing steward.  The Board Secretary will update the list of the active committees on the Makersmiths Wiki according to the Standing Rules.

Approval of Prior Minutes

2021-09-29 Meeting of the Board of Directors


Officer Reports






View file
nameFinancial Report - 2021-09-30.pptx

Committee Reports:

Website Committee (Jessee Maloney)

Membership Committee (Scott Newman)

View file
nameBoard Membership Committee Report-Oct 20211027.pdf

Leesburg Facility Committee (Jessee Maloney)

Purcellville Facility Committee (Tom Hill)

Scheduling Committee (OPEN)

Special Projects Committee (OPEN)

Welding Committee (Skip Smith)

Newsletter Committee (Melissa Kowalski)

IT Committee (Michael James)

Video Committee (Squirrl McClintock)

Custom Frame Shop Committee (Teresia Scott)

Radio Club Committee (Allon Stern)

Marketing Committee (Scott Newman - Acting Chair)

Unfinished Business

There is no Unfinished Business from the previous meeting.

New Business

NB1: Leesburg Woodshop Dust Collection Funding (Michael DeWan)

Issue: The dust collection system at Leesburg is severely under powered which has led to excessive dust being spread over shop and frequent needs for me to clean out clogged ducts. We have a more powerful unit (twice the capacity) sitting idle because it needs a 240V circuit. This circuit is on the list of power upgrades presented in the September  special Board meeting but action has been deferred indefinitely. In addition to the dust collector circuit the wood shop has experienced other circuit overloads that tripped circuit breakers while members had wood in the middle of a process on the drum sander, planer, or table saw. these unplanned outages can be dangerous and will cause a members material or project loss. 

Solution: We can't wait for the resolution of the full Leesburg power upgrade project. I am asking that funds be allocated to complete the woodshop electral  upgrades that were in the recent full Leesburg power upgrade request to be done independent of the larger whole building project. In addition to  funding the power upgrade some reconfiguration of the dust collection piping will be necessary to connect the replacement dust collector in the amount of  $125.

Based on the estimates from the initial bids the costs are:

240 volt dust collector circuit   20 A with NEMA  6-20 receptacle  $450
2 new 20 amp 120V circuits          $400
restore 2 dead 20A 120V circuits  $360
Additional piping components to redesign the dust collection system (PVC pipe, flex pipe. and connection joints)    $125

Total cost estimate $1335.00

Relevance to Tax Exempt Status:

Motion: Move to approve funding of $1,335.00 for electrical and dust collection upgrades to Leesburg woodshop.

NB2: Approve Updates to the Bylaws and Standing Rules (Jonathan White)

Issue: Updates to Bylaws and Standing Rules are required to be in line with the activities of the organization.

Solution: Updates include the following changes:


4.1.3 Covers that the Board will have 7 Directors and that this number can be changed by majority vote.  The Articles of Incorporation leave it to the Bylaws to establish the number of Directors.

4.11 Covers that site managers shall be the chairperson of the respective site committee and added that general site shop supplies budgets are controlled by the site manager.

Standing Rules:

Section 3 added that all Membership fees changes must be approved by the Board and communicated to Members at least 3 months in advance of taking effect.

Section 5: Specific named committees may have fewer than three members without being disbanded and that if a committee drops below 3 members that it has 30 days to get back to 3 members or it is dissolved.

Section 8: Presenters/instructors/organizers should make efforts to limit the impact of their class on other members' activity in the space and that those classes/workshops/events have priority in the space.


View file
nameMakersmiths Bylaws - As Proposed - 2021-10-20.pdf
View file
nameMakersmiths Standing Rules - As Proposed - 2021-10-20.pdf

Relevance to Tax Exempt Status: None

Motion: Motion to approve Bylaws and Standing Rules as attached to this Agenda.

NB3: Purchase Metal Shrinker/Stretcher for the MS-P Metal Shop (user-eefcb)

Issue: The ability to stretch and shrink metal is a valuable activity and is a desirable tool set to add to the MS-P Metal Shop. We currently have very few metal working hand tools.  A Shrinker/Stretcher is used to expand or compress 16 to 20 gauge sheet metal. (It is a pair of tools, one to stretch metal, one to shrink metal.)

Solution: Purchase a Metal Stretcher/Shrinker pair of tools for the MS-P Metal Shop. Cost $180.00

Relevance to Tax Exempt Status: None

Motion: Move that the Board authorize expenditure of $180 for a Metal Stretcher/Shrinker tool set for the MS-P Metal Shop.

Open Discussion

RoboLoco - sponsorship, use of space, training discussion

"I recently joined a robotics team this year and I was wondering if you would be willing to get Makersmiths to sponsor us. The team I joined is the only FRC team in Loudoun County. FRC is an international robotics competition for high schoolers where students are tasked with creating a robot that can accomplish tasks prescribed by the annual “game”. We’ve made it to nationals a few years ago and won many awards even without getting to nationals. Our build season is coming up and that’s our most busy and critical time of year and it would be great if some of the Makersmiths members could help teach some people how to operate certain machines or donate some money or materials. Sponsoring us would also help Makersmiths because we can put the logo on our t-shirts, banner, and robot which would help more people know about Makersmiths! I have attached a file which will give you more details about the sponsorship. Please email me with any questions you may have or when you find out if they’d be willing to sponsor us."

View file
name2020-2021 Sponsorship Packet (2) (1).pdf


Meeting adjourned by NAME at TIME