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Table of Contents

Time and Location:

August 26December 16, 2020 7:00PM at Virtual COVID-19 MeetingMeeting

Call to Order

Call to Order

NamePositionBoard Year in TermRoll Call
Brad Hess (Brad Hess)
Board Member, Chairperson


Brandon Bullis (Brandon Bullis)
Board Member2
Dave Painter (David Painter)
Board Member1Y
James Waldron (James Waldron)
Board Member3Y
Jonathan White (Jonathan White )
Board Member, Secretary1Y
Erin Werling (Erin Werling)
Board Member2Y
Michael James (Michael James)
Board Member2

Consent Agenda

Newly proposed agenda items appear in the consent agenda. Any member present at the meeting may pull an item out of the consent agenda for discussion, at which point it goes under "New Business". If nobody objects to the solutions presented by the consent agenda, everything in the consent agenda passes by consensus. Items that have more than one proposed solution should be moved to the "New Business" section.

Any member may edit this wiki page and place an item on the agenda. However, discussion of agenda items should be done via Slack. The cut-off time for addition to or revision of the consent agenda items is 48 hours prior to the meeting. Please note, agenda items (Consent, New, or Old) that request spending $250 or more must include a section on "Relevance to our tax exempt purpose".

CA1 Description (John Dubelko)

ProblemNeed a budget for 2021

SolutionSee the attached budget

Relevance to our tax exempt status: None

Motion: The attached budget for 2021 will serve as the documented approval from the majority of the board for the treasurer and bookkeeper pay bills. Any other bills or reimbursements will follow the process outlined in the standing rules. Ref "No reimbursements, regardless of amount, are made to members without documented approval by the majority of the Board and the Treasurer that is obtained prior to the date of purchase. Any purchases for equipment, goods or services made without prior approval will be considered a donation for which a tax donation receipt will be issued

CA2 Description (Submitter's @name)



Relevance to our tax exempt status:


CA3 Description (Submitter's @name)



Relevance to our tax exempt status:



John - took the 2020 spreadsheet as the basis.  Suggests that we move to an operations account and a savings account. $10,000 would be put in the operations account and the remaining put into the savings account. Net income per month shown.

Jim - please explain difference between operations net income and investment account net income.

John - investment account net income takes into account investments in tools or infrastructure - plasma table, frame shop etc.  Took the operations figures from 2020 and updated them for a 2021 estimate.  Don't expect to have donations income in 2021 the way we had in 2020. Scott supports the additional membership income in 2021.  Believe we can get a bit more in class revenue income in 2021 vs 2020 with COVID vaccine coming and classes starting again.  Discussed ramping up class income from the start of the year to take into account COVID vaccinations.  Taxes and registration fees, no real changes.  Merchant processing fee is minimal - around 3%. Equip Rental and Maintenance in place to cover when a large vehicle is required to move large donated equipment.  

Shop Supplies - currently has $400 per month. Lots of people bringing in consumables and not requesting reimbursement - thanks!

Rents, Power, Water, Internet and Propone - discussion about actual lease amount for Leesburg vs rent credit for purchase of air conditioning.  All other fees are solid estimates based on previous years.  April 2022 is when the rent for Purcellville goes up.  Welding shop propane is included in  Propane Purcellville. 

Purcellville Lease: Makersmiths-Town of Purcellville Lease Agreement - 04-23-17.pdf

Admin area of expenses - Printing covers printer lease and maintenance agreement.  Supplies covers pens and pencils, toilet paper, paper towels etc.  

Investment Account - moved Purcellville roof repair out beyond when we would have a lease extension in place - moved to June.  Nothing would happen with the budget figure for a roof until the board approves the expenditures.  Framing shop investment.  Leesburg basement for wall removal and cosplay area.  Discussed putting 220 in Leesburg woodshop and upgrade to Purcellville upper building that may be pad in the last bay or enclosing outside shed. IT equipment for software licenses and other IT costs to keep desktops and laptops running.

Membership value - modest increase through 2021.  Does not account for any changes in membership fee changes.  

Jim W moves that we adopt he budget.  Brad seconded.  All voted in favor to adopt the budget.  

2021 Budget as adopted: 

View file
name2020-12-16 Makersmiths FY21 Budget v2.xlsx

Officer Reports:

The meeting focused on the budget so there were no officer reports today.




Financial Statement

Member Reports:

There were no member reports at this meeting. 

Committee Reports:

There were no committee reports at this meeting.

New Member Orientation Committee (Chairperson Jessee Maloney)

Website Committee (Chairperson Jessee Maloney)

Membership Committee (Chairperson

Mark R Millsap

Scott Newman )

Social Outreach Committee:  (Chairperson Jessee Maloney)

Leesburg Facility Committee (Chairperson Brad Hess)

Purcellville Facility Committee (Chairperson Tom Hill)

Scheduling Committee (Chairperson Diane DeMott Painter)

Special Projects Committee (Chairperson Mike Werling)

Welding Committee (Chairperson Arthur 'Skip' Smith)

Newsletter Committee (Chairperson 

Erin Werling

Diane DeMott Painter )

IT Committee (Chairperson Michael James)

Video Committee (Chairperson Adam "Squirrl" McClintock)

Environmental and Safety Committee (Chairperson David Lang)

Custom Frame Shop Committee (Chairperson user-17f4a)

Radio Club Committee (Chairperson Allon Stern )

Old Business:

There is no Old Business to be discussed at this Board Meeting.

New Business:

There was no New Business at this meeting.

OB1 Description (Submitter's @name)



Relevance to our tax exempt status:

Proposed Motion:

OB2  Description (Submitter's @name)



Relevance to our tax exempt status:

Proposed Motion:

OB3 Description (Submitter's @name)



Relevance to our tax exempt status:

Proposed Motion:

New Business:

NB1 Description (Submitter's @name)



Relevance to our tax exempt status:

Proposed Motion:

NB2 Description (Submitter's @name)



Relevance to our tax exempt status:

Proposed Motion:

NB3 Description (Submitter's @name)



Relevance to our tax exempt status:

Proposed Motion:

Open Discussion

Short discussion on allocation of funds to accrual account for machine maintenance and replacement.


Meeting adjourned at 8:30PM


StatusItem DescriptionResponsible Party

Approved Spending Tracking: 



TTTT Call to Order

NamePositionBoard ClassYear in TermRoll Call
Brad Hess (Brad Hess)
Board Member, Chairperson


Brandon Bullis (Brandon Bullis)
Board Member, Secretary12
Dave Painter (David Painter)
Board Member31
James Waldron (James Waldron)
Board Member23
Mark Millsap (Mark R MillsapJonathan White (Jonathan White )
Board Member, Secretary31
Erin Werling (Erin Werling)
Board Member12
Michael James (Michael James)
Board Member1
Passed by consensus
OB1 Topic
  - Speaker1:
  - Speaker2:
- Motion:
   - Proposed by 
   - Seconded by
-Call for vote
   -  In favor
   -  Opposed
   -  Abstain
   -  Motion Pass/Fail**NEW BUSINESS**
NB1 Topic
  - Speaker1:
  - Speaker2:
- Motion:
   - Proposed by 
   - Seconded by
-Call for vote
   -  In favor
   -  Opposed
   -  Abstain
   -  Motion Pass/Fail
Next meeting set for September 30, 2020 7:00PM at Virtual COVID-19 MeetingTTTT Meeting called to close

Action Items: