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Table of Contents

Time and Location:

7pm ET Virtual Meeting

Call to Order:

Meeting called to order by Jonathan White at 7:02.

Board/Officer NamePositionTermAttendance (Y/N)
Brad HessBoard Member2022-2025N (joined after official business concluded)
Bev MurdockBoard Member, Secretary2021-2024Y
Dave PainterBoard Member2020-2023Y
Jessee MaloneyBoard Member2022-2025Y
Jonathan WhiteBoard Member, Chair2020-2023Y
Scott NewmanBoard Member2021-2024Y
Mike DeWanBoard Member2021-2024Y
John DubelkoTreasurer2022-2023Y
Adam "Squirrl" McClintockTreasurerPresident2022-2023Y

Consent Agenda

Any Board Member may make a motion in the Consent Agenda.  The purpose of the Consent Agenda is to propose motions that have been discussed by Board Members in advance and/or are expected to pass without objection.  If the item does not fit this description, it should be proposed in New Business. Discussion of Consent Agenda items should be done via Slack prior to the meeting.  Any Board Member present at the meeting may request that an item be moved from the Consent Agenda to New Business.  The motions in the Consent Agenda (after any items are moved to New Business) may be passed as a group if there are no objections.   The cut-off time for addition to or revision of a Consent Agenda motion is 48 hours prior to the meeting. Any motion that requests spending $250 or more must include a section on "Relevance to our tax exempt purpose".

CA1: Kickstarter Liability Retirement (Jonathan White)

Issue:  We have a remaining Kickstarter liability on the books from when the organization was formed.  We have given ample time and notice to those that had a class pass or membership due to them from their Kickstarter contribution.  Multiple efforts have been made to contact all those with outstanding liabilities.  There is one person left who has responded and wants to take classes.

Solution:  All outstanding Kickstarter liabilities are retired and the one remaining person is given their credit to use towards classes or membership, but it is not longer discretely tracked.

Relevance to Tax Exempt Status:  None

Motion:  Move to void all remaining Kickstarter liabilities. A credit of $220 is available to one person until 12/31/23.

CA2: Form 990 Approval (John Dubelko)

Issue:  Makersmiths 990 Tax Form is due

Solution:  Each year, non profits must submit to the IRS a Form 990 "Return of Organization Exempt from Income Tax."  Board to review and approve draft 990 as posted on Slack by Treasurer John Dubelko 

Relevance to Tax Exempt Status:  Required form

Motion:  Move to approve the 990 as posted on Slack

CA3: Appointment of Purcellville Site Manager (C. Adam "Squirrl" McClintock)

Issue:  Purcellville needs a replacement Site Manager.

Solution:  Dave Painter currently performs most of the duties of Purcellville Site Manager already. Appointment will just make the position official.

Relevance to Tax Exempt Status:  None

Motion:  Move to appoint Dave Painter as Purcellville Site Manager and by extension the Purcellville Committee Chair and remove Tom Hill as Purcellville Committee Chair.

Vote:  Consent agenda motions approved by voice vote

Approval of Prior Minutes

2023-03-29 Meeting of the Board of Directors

Vote:  Minutes approved by voice vote

Officer Reports


INSERT REPORT HERENo specific report, recognition of efforts and Leesburg Flower & Garden Show


Election Update

Nominees for the two open board positions are included here, all received by the announced deadline of 4/18/2023.

View file
nameJonathan White 2023 Makersmiths BoD Nomination Form.pdf

View file
nameScott Silvers 2023 Makersmiths BoD Nomination Form.pdf


View file


Socials are going well (grill out at Purcellville well attended).  Liaison program proceeding (now with Scott N in membership committee).  Leesburg landlord has permission to replace/fix front door area.  

Committee Reports:

Membership Committee (Scott Newman)

View file
nameBoard Membership Committee Report-April as of 2023-04-10.pdf

Marketing Committee (Jason Gilligan) represented by Jessee

Meeting to be held in May.  Flower and Garden went well.  Will be present at Loudoun Pride.

Website Committee (Maggie Toth) represented by Jessee

Reorganizing material and Wiki.  Wiki assumed to be under website committee.  

Leesburg Facility Committee (Jessee Maloney)

Committee met 4/20

2023 April Leesburg Committee Notes

Purcellville Facility Committee (

Tom Hill)

now Dave Painter)

Last work day successful.  Volunteers for gate issue.  Good progress in cleaning out storage.  Long list for next work day.

Scheduling Committee (Jennifer Chu)

Newsletter Committee (Melissa Kowalski)

No update.  

IT Committee (Scott Silvers)

Nothing to report.  Working on VMs.

Custom Frame Shop Committee (Open)

Maintenance Committee (Dave Painter)

Repairs performed including old green lathe rebuilt/repaired amongst other machines.

STEM Committee (Diane Painter)

Requesting updating in writing.  Two KidWind teams have made it to Nationals.

Standing Rules Committee (Jonathan White)

Reviews in progress 

Unfinished Business


Unfinished Business

OB1: TITLE (Person Proposing)



Relevance to Tax Exempt Status:


New Business

NB1: Google Grant Application (John Dubelko with Jessee Maloney, Beverly Murdock)

Issue:  The laser cutter has a source that is showing signs of impending failure, unsurprising given it is seven years old.  The laser is one of the most widely used tools at Makersmiths and generates both class and usage revenue month over month.  The Google grant is open again this year (last year we were awarded a grant that was used to support STEM activities including KidWind).  The grant has been written in particular support of education (in the form of laser training) and girls/women (in support of small businesses).  It contains commitments to perform various training classes in line with current classes.  The details of the draft grant are on #boardtalk and if approved the final language will be included in the minutes. The laser stewards have performed extensive research on laser options.

Solution:  Submit an application to leverage the grant to replace the existing laser cutter in Leesburg and associated peripherals.  

Relevance to Tax Exempt Status:  None 

Motion:  Two part motion

a) Move to waive the seven day notice for Board agenda items

Vote:  Motion carries by voice vote to discuss the Google Grant.

b) Move to approve the submission of the Google grant in line with the current draft, with the funds to be managed by the laser steward(s) in coordination with the scheduling committee on related training.

NB2: TITLE (Person Proposing)



Relevance to Tax Exempt Status:


NB3: TITLE (Person Proposing)



Relevance to Tax Exempt Status:


Vote:   Motion carries by voice vote to submit the Google Grant.  

Open Discussion

Began 7:35pm

Social tastings generally of interest, but need to explore need for temporary or tasting licenses for events

Video training for Purcellville plotter would be useful.  Squirrl and Jonathan to talk about potential to include on YouTube channel.

Open Discussion


Meeting adjourned by NAME at TIMEJonathan White at 7:42pm