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Table of Contents

Time and Location:

Insert time and location of meeting here.Virtual Meeting - 7:30PM

Call to Order:

Meeting called to order by (NAME HERE) at (TIME HERE)Jonathan White at 7:31PM.

Board/Officer NamePositionTermAttendance (Y/N)
Brad HessBoard Member2019-2022N
Bev MurdockBoard Member2021-2024Y
Dave PainterBoard Member, Chairperson2020-2023N
James WaldronBoard Member2019-2022Y
Jonathan WhiteBoard Member, Secretary2020-2023Y
Scott NewmanBoard Member2021-2024Y
Mike DeWanBoard Member2021-2024Y
John DubelkoPresident2020-2021Y
Mary WaldronTreasurer2020-2021Y

Consent Agenda

Any Board Member may make a motion in the Consent Agenda.  The purpose of the Consent Agenda is to propose motions that have been discussed by Board Members in advance and/or are expected to pass without objection.  If the item does not fit this description, it should be proposed in New Business. Discussion of Consent Agenda items should be done via Slack prior to the meeting.  Any Board Member present at the meeting may request that an item be moved from the Consent Agenda to New Business.  The motions in the Consent Agenda (after any items are moved to New Business) may be passed as a group if there are no objections.   The cut-off time for addition to or revision of a Consent Agenda motion is 48 hours prior to the meeting. Any motion that requests spending $250 or more must include a section on "Relevance to our tax exempt purpose".

CA1: Plotter and Vinyl Cutter Stweard (John Dubelko)

Issue: The plotter and  vinyl cutter do not have a tool steward.

Solution: Dilip Patel has volunteered to fill this role and is being trained on them.

Relevance to Tax Exempt Status: None

Motion: Move to appoint Dilip Patel as the steward of the plotter at Purcellville and vinyl cutter at Leesburg.

CA2: TITLE (Person Proposing)



Relevance to Tax Exempt Status:


CA3: TITLE (Person Proposing)



Relevance to Tax Exempt Status:


Motion carries by voice vote.

Approval of Prior Minutes

2022-02-23 Meeting of the Board of Directors

Motion seconded.

Vote: Motion carries by voice vote.


Officer Reports


INSERT REPORT HERENo report this month.


INSERT REPORT HERENo report this month.


View file

Committee Reports:

Membership Committee (Scott Newman)

Scott Newman gave the Membership Committee Report.

View file
nameBoard Membership Committee Report-Mar 20220323.pdf

Marketing Committee (Chuck Whitacre)

Chuck Whitacre gave the Marketing Committee Report.

View file
name2022 Makersmiths Marketing Plan.doc

If any board members have questions about the specific marketing plan items, please contact Chuck Whitacre.  

Website Committee (Jessee Maloney)

Jessee gave a Website Committee report.

Leesburg Facility Committee (Jessee Maloney)

Jessee gave a Leesburg Facility Committee report.

Purcellville Facility Committee (Tom Hill)

No committee report this month.

Scheduling Committee (John Dubelko)

John gave a scheduling committee report.

Newsletter Committee (Melissa Kowalski)

No report this month.

IT Committee (Michael James)

No report this month.

Video Committee (Squirrl McClintock)

No report this month.

Custom Frame Shop Committee (Anthony Lesink)

Scott gave a short committee report.

Maintenance Committee (Dave Painter)

No report this month.

Future Planning Committee (Jim Waldron)

Jim gave a Future Planning Committee report.

Special Projects Committee (OPEN)

No report this month.

Unfinished Business

OB1: TITLE (Person Proposing)



Relevance to Tax Exempt Status:


New Business

NB1: Website Privacy Policy (James Waldron )

Issue:  We don't have one.  We need one for many reasons (including, we will not be able to get our machine access application on the Apple store without one).

Solution: Adopt the proposed Web Privacy Policy.  (Updated to add Wild Apricot, JW, 3/30 3:32pm)

View file
nameWebsite Privacy Policy.doc

View file
namePrivacy Policy for Makersmiths Support Data.doc

Relevance to Tax Exempt Status: None

Motion: I move we Move that Makersmiths adopt the proposed Website Privacy policy and have it added as a link in the banner section at the lower portion of our web pages and posted in our Wiki.

Motion seconded.

Motion carries by voice vote.

NB2: Makersmiths Anti-Discriminatory Policy (James Waldron )

Issue: We don't have one.  This has come up as a requested link for various queries in our pursuit of donations and grants.  And, we should have one anyway.

Solution: Adopt one of the following two Anti-Discrimination Policies

View file
nameMakersmiths AntiDiscrimination 1.doc

View file
nameMakersmiths AntiDiscrimination 2.doc

Relevance to Tax Exempt Status: None

Motion: I Move we that Makersmiths adopt ( Makersmiths AntiDiscrimination1 ) or (Makersmiths AntiDiscrimination 2 ) as our Makersmiths Anti-Discrimination Policy.  The adopted policy will be linked in the lower banner section of our web pages and posted in our Wiki.

Motion seconded.

Motion carries by voice vote.

NB3: Frame Shop Equipment Purchase Agreement (Scott Newman)

Issue: In the February  20, 2020 Board Meeting a  Custom Framing Shop  Equipment Loan agreement  was approved. The Covid-19 pandemic led to delays and complications that thwarted the execution of that agreement. This document reflects the parties’ updated agreement.

Solution: Approve this new agreement (attached). 

View file
nameCustom Frame Shop Equipment Purchase (March 21 2022 DRAFT).pdf

Relevance to Tax Exempt Status: No impact on Tax Exempt Status

Motion: Move to approve the attached Custom Framing Shop Equipment Purchase agreement dated March 21, 2022.

Motion seconded.

Motion carries by voice vote.

Open Discussion

Discuss status of the Machine Access Control Box project:

View file
nameMachine Access Control Boxes Report 20220323.pdf

It was pointed out that we have a few committees where the committee chair has not given a committee update to the Board in awhile.  Jonathan offered to contact the relevant committee chairpeople for an update before or at the next Board Meeting.


Meeting adjourned by NAME at TIMEJonathan White at 8:23pm.