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Table of Contents

Time and Location:

Virtual Meeting at 7:00PM, June 29th 2022

Call to Order:

Meeting called to order by (NAME HERE) at (TIME HERE)Dave Painter at 7:03.

Board/Officer NamePositionTermAttendance (Y/N)
Brad HessBoard Member2022-2025Y - 8:58 arrived
Bev MurdockBoard Member2021-2024Y
Dave PainterBoard Member, Chairperson2020-2023Y
Jessee MaloneyBoard Member2022-2025Y
Jonathan WhiteBoard Member, Secretary2020-2023Y
Scott NewmanBoard Member2021-2024Y
Mike DeWanBoard Member2021-2024Y
John DubelkoPresident2020-2021Y
Mary WaldronTreasurer2020-2021Y

Consent Agenda

Any Board Member may make a motion in the Consent Agenda.  The purpose of the Consent Agenda is to propose motions that have been discussed by Board Members in advance and/or are expected to pass without objection.  If the item does not fit this description, it should be proposed in New Business. Discussion of Consent Agenda items should be done via Slack prior to the meeting.  Any Board Member present at the meeting may request that an item be moved from the Consent Agenda to New Business.  The motions in the Consent Agenda (after any items are moved to New Business) may be passed as a group if there are no objections.   The cut-off time for addition to or revision of a Consent Agenda motion is 48 hours prior to the meeting. Any motion that requests spending $250 or more must include a section on "Relevance to our tax exempt purpose".

CA1: Arlo Subscription and Security Camera Equipment (John Dubelko )

Issue: Both spaces have Arlo security cameras and are set up on limited free accounts tied to each location. These free accounts are limited to 5 cameras each and come with 7 days of playback. The new cameras at Leesburg exceeding the free limit and require a paid service to record content. We are also maxed on the “free” cameras at Purcellville.

Solution: Go to a $10 Arlo subscription package and roll all the cameras (Leesburg & Purcellville) into one account. This would make it easier on tracking accounts and give up to 30 days of recordings. To pay the subscription, the telephone budget line item has a $2 a month surplus. An additional $8 a month would be need to fully fund this each month. Also, Purcellville requires two additional cameras in and around the lower building and the powder coating area on the upper building. More cameras would be helpful at both locations. Each camera is about $130 each and may need some accessories like solar panels. There are sales and other promotions that may lower the price such as bundled deals. The camera requirement can through the Purcellville committee and is included for completeness.

Relevance to Tax Exempt Status: None

Motion: Move to:

  1. Appoint John Dubelko as project lead.

  2. Add $8 a month to the telephone budget line item starting in July to cover a $10 a month Alro subscription.

  3. Authorize a not to exceed of $600 for: 2 new cameras/accessories for Purcellville and as many extra cameras/accessories that will fit within the project budget. Extra cameras will be allocated to either location based on need.

Motion seconded.

Motion carries by voice vote.

Approval of Prior Minutes

2022-05-25 Meeting of the Board of Directors

Move to approve prior minutes.

Motion seconded.

Motion carries by voice vote.Vote:

Officer Reports


INSERT REPORT HERENo report this month.


INSERT REPORT HERESecretary reiterated that official documents are on Google Drive.  Most recent leases will be added to it.  Management of those documents will be migrated as necessary following the Officer elections.


View file

Committee Reports:

Tool Control Project (Jim Waldron)

Jim provided and update on the tool access control project.

Membership Committee (Scott Newman)


View file
nameBoard Membership Committee Report-June 2022-06-01.pdf

Marketing Committee (Chuck Whitacre)

No report this month,

Website Committee (Jessee Maloney)

Jessee Maloney gave a website committee report.

Leesburg Facility Committee (Jessee Maloney)

Jessee Maloney gave a Leesburg Facility Committee report.

Purcellville Facility Committee (Tom Hill)

Dave Painter gave a Purcellville Committee report.

Scheduling Committee (John Dubelko)

John Dubelko gave a Scheduling Committee report.  Jennifer Chu will step up to be the Scheduling Committee chairperson.

Newsletter Committee (Melissa Kowalski)

No report this month.

IT Committee (Michael James)

No report this month.

Video Committee (Squirrl McClintock)

No report this month.

Custom Frame Shop Committee (Anthony Lesink)

No report this month.

Maintenance Committee (Dave Painter)

Dave Painter gave a Maintenance Committee report.

Future Planning Committee (Jim Waldron)

Remove from future 

Special Projects Committee (OPEN)

Unfinished Business

There is no Unfinished Business to conduct.

New Business

NB1: Appointment of Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer, President and Bookkeeper.

Issue: The Makersmiths Bylaws stipulate that Officers be appointed by resolution of the Board at the Annual Meeting of the Board of Directors.

Solution: Discuss and appoint a Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer, President and Bookkeeper.  

Relevance to Tax Exempt Status: None


Jonathan White nominated as Chairperson.  Motion carried by voice vote.

Bev Murdock nominated as Secretary.  Motion carried by voice vote.

John Dubelko nominated as Treasurer.  Motion carried by voice vote.

Christa Stern nominated as President.  Motion carried by voice vote.

There were no nominations for President.  Jessee will run the next Members Meeting.

NB2: Classes at Makersmiths (David Painter )

Issue: Makersmiths encourages its Members to teach other Members and non-Members in its facilities.  Courses, classes, workshops, and events held at Makersmiths facilities should be scheduled so that they  do not unreasonably clash with Members’ regular use of the use of the spaces, and other courses, classes, workshops and events.   Makersmiths should receive equitable compensation for the use of Makersmiths facilities, equipment and consumables. 

Solution: Modify the Standing Rules to be specific more about class/event/workshop scheduling and remuneration.

Relevance to Tax Exempt Status: None

Motion 1: Move that the following changes change be made to the Standing Rules:

  • Add a bullet to Section 1, Code of Conduct which says, “Members may not charge or receive compensation for bringing non-Members into Makersmiths facilities."

Motion seconded.

Motion defeated by voice vote.

Motion 2: Move that the following change be made to the Standing Rules:

  • Replace the existing text in Section 8, Courses, Classes, Workshops and Events, bullet 2, with the following: “All Courses, Classes, Workshops, and Events will be coordinated through and approved by the Scheduling Committee. This includes setting of fees, collection of funds, and approval of the honorarium split if the split is different from Section 8.1, Honorariums.”

Motion seconded.

Motion to amend

  • Replace the existing text in Section 8, Courses, Classes, Workshops and Events, bullet 2, with the following: “All Courses, Classes, Workshops, and Events will be coordinated through and approved by the Scheduling Committee. This includes setting of fees, collection of funds, and approval of the honorarium split so long as the honorarium complies with Section 8.1, Honorariums.”

Motion seconded.

Amendment defeated by voice vote.

Motion to amend

  • Replace the existing text in Section 8, Courses, Classes, Workshops and Events, bullet 2, with the following: “All Courses, Classes, Workshops, and Events will be coordinated through and approved by the Scheduling Committee. This includes but is not limited to, the setting of fees, collection of funds, and approval of the honorarium split so long as the honorarium complies with Section 8.1, Honorariums.”

Motion seconded.

Motion carries by voice vote.

Motion 3: Move that the following change be made to the Standing Rules:

  • Add a bullet to Section 8, Courses, Classes, Workshops and Events which says, “A Member may not hold personal or private courses, classes, workshops or events in a Makersmiths facility unless approved by the Scheduling Committee.”

Motion seconded.

Motion to amend.

  • Add a bullet to Section 8, Courses, Classes, Workshops and Events which says, “A Member may not hold personal or private courses, classes, workshops or events in a Makersmiths facility unless approved by the Scheduling Committee or the Board of Directors.”

Motion seconded.

Motion defeated by voice vote.

NB3: Makersmiths as a Member’s Place of Business (David Painter )

Issue:  Makersmiths is a membership based organization that supports business incubation and prototyping facilities for Members.   Makersmiths facilities are for the benefit of its Members , not for the promotion of Members’ businesses. 

Solution: Modify the Standing Rules to specify business activities that are prohibited in Makersmiths facilities.

Relevance to Tax Exempt Status: None

Motion 1: Move that the following changes change be made to Makersmiths Standing Rules:

  • Add a bullet to Section 1, Code of Conduct which says, “Members may not advertise their business within Makersmiths facilities, with the exception of one stack of not more than 25 standard sized business cards in each location, and not more than one post per month about their business on the #general Slack channel.”

Motion withdrawn by Dave Painter.

Motion 2: Move that the following change be made to Makersmiths Standing Rules:

  • Add a bullet to Section 1, Code of Conduct which says, “Members may not advertise Makersmiths facilities or addresses as their personal or business address.” .”

Motion seconded.

Motion to amend.

  • Add a bullet to Section 1, Code of Conduct which says, "Members may not advertise, use, or suggest Makersmiths facilities or addresses are their personal or business address. The one allowable exception to this is for the delivery of supplies or materials to be used on projects executed at Makersmiths."

Motion seconded.

Motion carries by voice vote.

NB4: Equitable Use of Tools and Spaces (David Painter )

Issue: Overuse of facilities, equipment or consumables by individual Members can impinge on other Members’ use of and enjoyment of their Membership.  Members should not expect to use Makersmiths facilities as their full time business location, primary or secondary production facility or office. While makers are encouraged to experiment, revise, repair and create in the space, such activities related to their business should not reduce the opportunity for other Members use the tools and facilities.  

Solution: Modify the Standing Rules to outline Members usage expectations and specify that a tool or room stewards has the authority to set usage limits to ensure equitable use by Members.

Relevance to Tax Exempt Status: None

Motion 1: Move that the following changes change be made to Makersmiths Standing Rules:

  • Add a bullet to Section 1, Code of Conduct which says, “Members will not monopolize any machine and or space in such a manner that it makes said machines or space unavailable to other members.   Room and tool stewards may set the maximum number of hours that a Member may use a room or tool before it must be available to other Members.”

Motion seconded.

Motion to amend.

  • Add a bullet to Section 1, Code of Conduct which says, “Members will not monopolize any machine or space in such a manner to ensure equitable use of and access to said machines or space.   Facility, room or tool stewards may set the maximum number of hours that a Member may use a room or tool before it must be available to other Members.”

Motion seconded.

Vote carries by voice vote.

Motion 2: Move that the following change be made to Makersmiths Standing Rules:

  • Add a bullet to Section 1, Code of Conduct which says, “Members who wish to do projects, with or without financial gain, which require exclusive use of tools, surfaces or facilities for extended periods of time should complete those projects outside of peak facility use times, specifically weekends, holidays and after 5:00PM on weekdays.”

Motion to amend.

  • Add a bullet to Section 1, Code of Conduct which says, “Members who wish to do projects, with or without financial gain, which require exclusive use of tools, surfaces or facilities for extended periods of time should complete those projects outside of peak facility use times. Check with the facility, room or tool steward for information on peak use times.”

Motion seconded.

Motion withdrawn.

NB5: Disposal of Surplus Equipment (David Painter )

Issue: Purcellville is currently storing a lot of surplus equipment that is taking up space that is needed for activities. Section 9.7.3 of our bylaws requires the express permission of the BoD to dispose of material property with an aggregate value over $1,000.00.

Solution: Make a list of surplus equipment, ascertain approximate value through research on sites such as eBay and then sell the items.

Relevance to Tax Status: None

Motion 1: Move to waive the 7 day notice requirement in order to consider this topic.

Motion seconded.

Motion carries by voice vote.

Motion 2: Move to appoint Dave Painter to make an inventory of surplus equipment, research and set values for each piece and then offer it for sale, first to members, then through Facebook Marketplace and/or Craig’s list. At the end of a reasonable amount of time to dispose of any unsold items as appropriate.

Motion seconded.

Motion to amend.

Move to appoint Dave Painter to make an inventory of surplus equipment, research and set values for each piece, review and get approval from Facility Managers, and then offer it for sale, first to members, then through Facebook Marketplace and/or Craig’s list. This authorization extends to 90 days.  At the end of a 90 days, the equipment may be disposed of as appropriate.

Motion seconded.

Motion carries by voice vote.

NB6: Appoint Jennifer Chu as Scheduling Committee Chairperson

Move to waive 7 day notice.

Motion seconded

Vote carries by voice vote

Move to appoint Jennifer Chu as Scheduling Committee Chairperson

Motion seconded.

Vote carries by voice vote.

Open Discussion


Meeting adjourned by NAME at TIMEDave Painter at 9:52.