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Comment: Task marked complete

This meeting will be held in Modified SRC3 format.

Table of Contents

Time and Location:

April 28, 2018 at 7:00PM at 106 Royal Street NE, Leesburg, VA

Consent Agenda

Newly proposed agenda items appear in the consent agenda. Any member present at the meeting may pull an item out of the consent agenda for discussion, at which point it goes under "New Business". If nobody objects to the solutions presented by the consent agenda, everything in the consent agenda passes by consensus. Items that have more than one proposed solution should be moved to the "New Business" section.

Any member may edit this wiki page and place an item on the agenda. However, discussion of agenda items should be done via Slack. The cut-off time for addition to or revision of the consent agenda items is 48 hours prior to the meeting. Please note, agenda items (Consent, New, or Old) that request spending $250 or more must include a section on "Relevance to our tax exempt purpose".

CA1 Move forward aggressively with sale of MS-L Contents (Michael James)

Problem: As I understand it, we received word from Ken that the items left by MicroCube in the MS-L location would now be ours to 2018-04-03 Makersmiths f990ez.pdf2018-04-15 990 FY17 Schedule A.pdf2018-04-15 990 FY17 Schedule O.pdfhave/use/sell at our discretion. Which leaves us with a large unrealized asset.

Solution: I have heard more than one person say that we could encourage people to get it sold by offering a 30% bounty on sold items. If this is acceptable, I'd like to make this widely known. I have a rough plan drawn up to cover the who, what, wheres, and whens of getting it done. Based on rough approval of the concept I will finalize the plan and present it for approval. I have an interest from at least my son Tyler who is looking for work.

Relevance to our tax exempt status: None that I can see.

Motion: approve a 30% Bounty for items sold. All payments must be made through a makersmiths approved payment portal

CA2 Approve

CA1 Approve creation of a Dave and Diane Painter Volunteer of the Year Annual Award (Mark)

Problem: Our community is based on efforts of our member volunteers leaning in to sustain and expand our mission, lead us in day-to-day activities and just plain be salt-of-the-earth workers.  We need to figure out how to formally acknowledge those folks, their efforts and celebrate their accomplishments.  

Solution:  One of the ways is to recognize these individuals with an award, to be presented at a ceremony, in front of the whole community and our membership.  Toward that end, I propose that the Board of Directors approve the creation of an award.  And that award be bestowed up those individuals at a annual celebration.

Relevance to our tax exempt status: None that I know of.

Motion: I motion that the Board of Directors approve creation of a Volunteer of the Year Award to be given to the outstanding Makersmiths Volunteer of the Year.  Further, I motion that the Award shall be bestowed upon the VOY at an annual celebration specifically held to honor the VOY and all other deserving Makersmiths volunteers.  Lastly, I motion that the VOY Award be named in honor of the first recipients of this award, and that I nominate Dave and Diane Painter to be the first recipients of this award.


CA2 2017 990 Filing (John Dubelko)

Problem: There is a yearly requirement to file a form 990 with the IRS by the 15th of May each year for the prior tax year (2017).

Solution: Attached is a draft of the 2017 990 documents.

Relevance to our tax exempt status: IRS requires 501(c)3 designated organizations, such as ourselves, file a yearly 990 to keep tax exempt status.  

Motion: Accept the attached 2017 990 documents as final, have the Chairman of the Board of Directors sign, and have the treasure treasurer file them with the IRS by May 15th.2018-04-15 990 FY17 Schedule O.pdf2018-04-15 990 FY17 Schedule A.pdf2018-04-03 Makersmiths f990ez.pdf

CA3 State Charitable Organization Application (John Dubelko)

Problem: The State of Virginia requires all charitable organizations who solicit for donations to register with the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services Office of Charitable and Regulatory Programs. This office determines if the organization is a professional fundraising organization and subject to yearly filing rule or exempted under one of several exemptions. By not filing with them the organization could be subject to fines and other penalties under state law. 

Solution: Makersmiths should file for an exemption under the civic organization that would allow us to continue to solicit for donations.

Relevance to our tax exempt status: None 

Motion: File for an exemption with the attached application and pay the $10 application fee. 2014-04-18 VA charity registartion.pdf

CA4 Purchase of Mug Press (John Dubelko)

Problem: The organization needs new equipment to further its mission but capital to purchase these resources is not always available. The organization would benefit greatly from a mug press that would allow members and the public to decorate coffee mugs.  

Solution: I am willing to purchase a mug press for under $500 with my own funds, offer class on its use to generate funds and request reimbursement for the mug press once revenues have exceeded the purchase price. The meg press would then transfer ownership to Makersmiths once reimbursement was made. No class instructor fees would be taken and all class funds would be run through Makersmiths.

Relevance to our tax exempt status:  none

Motion: Makersmiths agrees to reimburse John Dubelko for the purchase of a mug press once revenues from the teaching of class on the mug press exceed the purchase price. This reimbursement will not exceed $500. The mug press will be owned by Makersmiths after this reimbursement.  Makersmiths agrees to store the mug press until reimbursement is made and make facilities reasonably available for classes on the mug press. 

CA5 New Member Orientation Committee Budget (John Dubelko)

Problem: The committee would like to procure several items that will help welcome new members and provide name badges to every member.  A priority will be to procure a RFID card printer and RFID card stock that will be used for member badges.  These badges will be designed to show membership status, name and picture of each member.  THis will be one of the first steps in upgrading access control to facilities and machines at both locations.

Solution: See the attached budget.

Relevance to our tax exempt status: No Issues 

Motion: Approve the $1,500 attached budget for the new member orientation committee.  2018-08-11 Budget.xlsx

Officer Reports:


Financial Statement 2018-04-25 Mar Income Statement.pptx

Member Reports:


Prior minutes

Officer Reports:






Financial Statement

Member Reports:


Committee Reports:

New Member Orientation Committee (Chairperson John Dubelko)

Membership Committee (Chairperson Jessie M)

Social Outreach Committee:  (Chairperson Jessie M)

Leesburg Facility Committee (Chairperson Brad Hess)

Purcellville Facility Committee (Chairperson

TBD)Training Committee (Chairperson TBD

Tom Hill)

Special Projects Committee (Chairperson Mike Werling)

Signage Committee (Chairperson Mark Millsap)

Old Business:

OB1 Description (Submitter)



Relevance to our tax exempt status:

Proposed Motion:

OB2  Description (Submitter)



Relevance to our tax exempt status:

Proposed Motion:

OB3 Description (Submitter)



Relevance to our tax exempt status:

Proposed Motion:


New Business:


Description (Submitter)



Relevance to our tax exempt status:

Proposed Motion:

NB2 Description (Submitter)



Relevance to our tax exempt status:

Proposed Motion:

NB3 Description (Submitter)



Relevance to our tax exempt status:

Proposed Motion:

Move forward aggressively with sale of MS-L Contents (Michael James)

Problem: As I understand it, we received word from Ted that the items left by MicroCube in the MS-L location would now be ours to have/use/sell at our discretion. Which leaves us with a large unrealized asset.

Solution: I have heard more than one person say that we could encourage people to get it sold by offering a 30% bounty on sold items. If this is acceptable, I'd like to make this widely known. I have a rough plan drawn up to cover the who, what, wheres, and whens of getting it done. Based on rough approval of the concept I will finalize the plan and present it for approval. I have an interest from at least my son Tyler who is looking for work.

Relevance to our tax exempt status: None that I can see.

Motion: approve a 30% Bounty for items sold. All payments must be made through a makersmiths approved payment portal




TTTT 7:10PM Call to Order

NamePositionRoll Call
Brad HessBoard Member, Chairperson  Present
Brandon BullisBoard Member, Secretary  Present
Dave PainterBoard Member  Present
 Juli RavasBoard Member  Excused Absence
 Mark MillsapBoard Member  Present
 Pat ScannellBoard Member Unexcused Absence*

*This is Mr. Scannell's 3rd consecutive unexcused absence.  Mr. Scannell is deemed to have resigned pursuant to Section 3.2.2 of the By Laws. 
CA1 Topic
- Motion:
   - Proposed by: 
   - Seconded by:
-Call for vote
   -  In favor:
   -  Opposed:
   -  Abstain:
   -  Motion Pass/Fail:

Consent Agenda Passed by Consensus


NB1 TopicMove forward aggressively with sale of MS-L Contents (Michael James)
- AS WRITTEN:  Approve a 30% Bounty for items sold. All payments must be made through a Makersmiths approved payment portal.
  - Speaker1: Hess:  Concerned there may be items we want to keep for the space
  - Speaker2:
- Motion:
   - Proposed by  Millsap:  Requested that plan include a pre-approved inventory

  - Bullis:   Suggested we modify to Motion to include necessity of obtaining final approval of items to be sold from both Leesburg Facilities Chairperson and the Treasurer.

Motion: Approve a 30% Bounty for items sold. Any sale items must be inventoried and receive final approval must be obtained by both Leesburg Facilities Chairperson and the Treasurer prior to listing items for sale.  All payments must be made through a Makersmiths approved payment portal.
   - Proposed by:  Hess
   - Seconded by:  Painter
-Call for vote
   -  In favor:  Hess, Bullis, Painter, Millsap
   -  Opposed:  None
   -  Abstain:  None
   -  Motion Pass/Fail:  PASS
Next meeting set for
TTTT Meeting May 30, 2018 at 106 Royal Street NE, Leesburg, VA

9:10PM Meeting called to close

Action Items:

StatusItem DescriptionResponsible Party
[ ]
]File 2017 990 documents John Dubelko
[ ]
 File VA State Charitable Organization Application John Dubelko
[ ]
 [ ] Inventory Items for Sale  Michael James

Approved Spending Tracking: 

 $1,500 Member Orientation CommitteeGeneral