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Table of Contents

Time and Location:

February 26, 2020 at 7:00PM at 785  S.20th Street, Purcellville, VA

Consent Agenda

Newly proposed agenda items appear in the consent agenda. Any member present at the meeting may pull an item out of the consent agenda for discussion, at which point it goes under "New Business". If nobody objects to the solutions presented by the consent agenda, everything in the consent agenda passes by consensus. Items that have more than one proposed solution should be moved to the "New Business" section.

Any member may edit this wiki page and place an item on the agenda. However, discussion of agenda items should be done via Slack. The cut-off time for addition to or revision of the consent agenda items is 48 hours prior to the meeting. Please note, agenda items (Consent, New, or Old) that request spending $250 or more must include a section on "Relevance to our tax exempt purpose".

CA1 Description (

Submitter's @name

Dave Painter)

Problem: Several of the woodworking machines in Purcellville are in need of maintenance.  

Planer Blades  $159.99

Jointer Blades  $119.99

Bandsaw Tires  $209.00

Bandsaw blade guides $ 216.22

Two 3/8" Bandsaw Blades  $90.00

3/4" resaw blade   $110.00

5" flexible duct for Planer $40.00

With shipping this comes to almost $1000, or roughly five months maintenance budget.  We have not spent any money on maintenance since last summer so we should have this amount budgeted already.

Solution: Purchase parts necessary to bring machines back to tip-top condition.

Relevance to our tax exempt status: none

Motion:  Authorise purchase of above parts in one lump sum to get the MS-P's woodworking shop tuned up and ready for 2020.

CA2 Description (

Submitter's @name

Dave Painter)

Problem: Four or five of the 8 foot fluorescent light fixtures in the MS-P Wood Shop don't light up when turned on. I expect that the problem is a mix of burned out bulbs (there are three varieties) and/or defective ballasts. logically it makes sense to replace them with new LED light fixtures but total cost is probably less if we simply buy some bulbs and ballasts as needed.

Solution:  replace the burned out bulbs and ballasts.

Relevance to our tax exempt status: none

Motion:  replace the burned out bulbs and ballasts.

CA3 Description (Submitter's @name)



Relevance to our tax exempt status:


Prior minutes

Officer Reports:




Financial Statement

Member Reports:

Committee Reports:

New Member Orientation Committee (Chairperson Jessee Maloney)

Membership Committee (ChairpersonMark R Millsap)

Membership Committee meeting on Wednesday, Feb 12 was poorly attended; only John D. and myself attended.  No new business was conducted.  Well besides some suggestions from John that Tee Shirts be distributed to New Member Orientation attendees at New Member Orientations (which, in theory, is OK idea, but has proven difficult to execute because of logistics).

Next New Member Orientation workshop is scheduled for 2/25 at MS-L.

Current agenda: 

  1. Complete cover letter to members to accompany survey form of members skills, abilities, knowledge of maker techniques/technologies, and interests, with the intent of compiling survey results into printed form to facilitate matching new member (or existing member for that matter) interests with existing member skills.  It is our objective to facilitate 'matching' in order to make a sponsor/mentor program viable and effective.  Sponsor / mentor programs have been proven to result in higher percentage of 'sticky' (long term) members.   (Anthony)
  2. Distribute a selection of Tee Shirt Sizes to each location so New Member Orientation attendees can try on and order tee shirt from Makersmiths WA 'store'.    Also need photo(s) of tee shirts to accompany store items.  (John and Bryan)
  3. Capture Slack metrics and share with membership (John)
  4. Create Membership Badges and document process.  (Jen, John and Ed)
  5. Export membership database to Excel / Sheets spreadsheet for Committee to review (Mark) done
  6. Get 'store' items ready for photos of tee shirts (Mark) done
  7. Social Outreach Committee:  (Chairperson Jessee Maloney)

Leesburg Facility Committee (Chairperson Brad Hess)

Purcellville Facility Committee (Chairperson Tom Hill)

Scheduling Committee (Chairperson Diane DeMott Painter)

Special Projects Committee (Chairperson Mike Werling)

Welding Committee (Chairperson Arthur 'Skip' Smith)

Newsletter Committee (Chairperson Erin Werling)

IT Committee (Chairperson Michael James)

Video Committee (Chairperson Adam "Squirrl" McClintock)

Environmental and Safety Committee (Chairperson David Lang)

Custom Frame Shop Committee (Chairperson user-17f4a)

Radio Club Committee (Chairperson David Lang  )

Ceramics Committee: (Chairperson Jen Netsch )

Old Business:

OB1 Description (Submitter's @name)



Relevance to our tax exempt status:

Proposed Motion:

OB2  Description (Submitter's @name)



Relevance to our tax exempt status:

Proposed Motion:

OB3 Description (Submitter's @name)



Relevance to our tax exempt status:

Proposed Motion:

New Business:

NB1 What are Makersmiths Goals?  And, to follow on, what is the plan to reach those goals? (Mark R Millsap )

Problem:  Diane Painter and Melissa Kowalski proposed to apply for $10,000 Infy Maker Award grant.  They've stopped this and future grant application effort(s) due to a lack of a defined plan for Makersmiths.  So, I ask the Board, what are Makersmiths goals?  And what is the plan for reaching those goals?   Is it the Boards role to formulate goals and plans?  If it is the Boards role to formulate goals and plans, who on the Board will lead in the effort to formulate goals and plans?   If it is not the Boards role to provide leadership in the effort to formulate goals and plans, who will they delegate that task to?  If the Board is satisfied that Makersmiths doesn't need or want goals or plans, does that then result in curtailment of any future grant applications?


Relevance to our tax exempt status:

Proposed Motion:

NB2 Contingency or Rainy Day Fund  (@Jim)

Problem:  How much money should we keep in the bank?


I think we all agree that we should have a cushion of cash for unexpected events. Those events, it seems to me, would be related to some sort of upset to our ongoing operations. I see those as falling into a couple of categories, Disasters, Equipment Failure, and Loss of Income. I think we would like to have enough money to keep the doors open while we figured out our go forward strategy.

In Disasters I'll include such things as a broken water pipe flooding part of the facility, a fire in part of a facility, storm damage, a tree falling on the roof, and other such damages. In these cases we or our landlords insurance come into play and should cover the costs of repairs. Naturally there will probably be some inconvenience and some minor expense to take care of the problem. I propose that $5,000.00 is a good estimate of what we might expect for 'out of pocket' costs.

Equipment Failure. Some equipment is more important than other. If the Laser Cutter should die, we have a problem and would need to replace it quickly due to it's popularity. Same probably applies to the table saw and chop saw (power miter saw). We could probably nominate a few other tools that we think are important enough and so frequently used that we would not want to be without them for any extended period. In the case of the Laser Cutter, I assume we would just enter another lease arrangement for a new one (as has been proposed for when we make our last lease payment on our current one). Still, might be some out of pocket costs for perhaps a new electrical circuit, new vent mechanism, connector cable, etc. I assume that we would just outright purchase a new table saw or chop saw. Again, for each of these, I think that about a $5,000.00 reserve should suffice.

Loss of Income. What if we suffered a sudden significant loss of members. Say that half the members resigned. Our current monthly expenses run about $8K, and our current dues income is about $8K. In this case we would lose half of our monthly income leaving us about $4K short each month.   For how many months would we want to be able to continue during which time we would have to address the problem and determine what to do. I'd like to suggest that 6 months is about the right time frame. This would require 6 months of making up the $4K shortfall or $24K.

There are probably other scenarios.

I think it unlikely that more than one of these scenarios would occur concurrently.

Relevance to our tax exempt status:  None

Proposed Motion:  I propose that we keep $25K cash in our bank account as our contingency or rainy day fund.

NB3 Committee Future Planning (@Jim)

Problem:  Determining Future Needs an Budgeting for same.

I would like for each committee to submit a 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10 year projection of needed equipment, consumables, and expected maintenance. This will aid us in budgeting.

I believe that there is an intent for us to have modern, fairly state of the art machines and tools (rather than older well used or used up equipment). Asking the committee chairs for projections of needs should aid future planning.

I realize that some of this is crystal ball gazing. Projections can be updated yearly. But, as a committee chair, what piece of equipment would you really like to have next year? Can you justify the acquisition by showing the number of members who would like up to use it? Some areas would have more needs than others. (Eg, Welding just got a whole bunch of really nice new equipment - I would expect needs to be modest. Meanwhile, I'm pretty sure that Blacksmithing would really like to have a power hammer.) And, we can't afford everything we might want.

In some cases, technology is moving quickly, and I think having close to state of the art tools would help attract new members. In other cases, for example a power hammer, the tech has pretty much been the same for the last 100 years.

Projections do not need to be fancy. Simple is better.  Example:

Year 1

Power hammer ($4,000), 2 boxes of borax flux ($30).

Year 2

Dies for the hardy hole ($200), 2 boxes of borax flux ($30)

Year 3

2 pr box tongs ($80), 2 boxes of borax flux ($30)

Year 4

5 gallons quench oil ($90), 2 boxes of borax flux ($30)

Year 5

Leg vise ($250), 2 boxes of borax flux ($30)

Year 10

2nd forge materials ($500), 2 boxes of borax flux ($30)

Solution:  Projections from each Committee.

Relevance to our tax exempt status:

Proposed Motion: Move that each Committee Chair be asked for a 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 10 year Projection of needed equipment, consumables, and expected maintenance.




TTTT Call to Order

NamePositionBoard ClassRoll Call
Brad Hess (Brad Hess)
Board Member, Chairperson


Brandon Bullis (Brandon Bullis)
Board Member, Secretary1
Dave Painter (David Painter)
Board Member3
James Waldron (James Waldron)
Board Member2
Mark Millsap (Mark R Millsap)
Board Member3
Erin Werling (Erin Werling)
Board Member1
Michael James (Michael James)
Board Member1

Passed by consensus


OB1 Topic
  - Speaker1:
  - Speaker2:
- Motion:
   - Proposed by 
   - Seconded by
-Call for vote
   -  In favor
   -  Opposed
   -  Abstain
   -  Motion Pass/Fail


NB1 Topic
  - Speaker1:
  - Speaker2:
- Motion:
   - Proposed by 
   - Seconded by
-Call for vote
   -  In favor
   -  Opposed
   -  Abstain
   -  Motion Pass/Fail

Next meeting set for March 25, 2020 7:00PM 106 Royal Street NE, Leesburg, VA

TTTT Meeting called to close

Action Items:

StatusItem DescriptionResponsible Party





Approved Spending Tracking: 
