Call to Order:
Meeting called to order by Jonathan White at 7:36PM.
Board/Officer Name | Position | Term | Attendance (Y/N) |
Jonathan White | Board Member, Chairperson | 2023-2026 | Y |
Brad Hess | Board Member | 2022-2025 | Y - Arrived 8:14PM |
Scott Silvers | Board Member | 2023-2026 | Y |
Jennifer Chu | Board Member | 2024-2027 | Y |
Bo Wernick | Board Member, Secretary | 2024-2027 | N |
Evin Grano | Board Member | 2024-2027 | Y |
Jim Waldron | Board Member | 2024-2025 | Y |
Mary Waldron | Treasurer | 2024-2025 | Y |
Nedim Ogleman | President | 2024-2025 |
Consent Agenda
Any Board Member may make a motion in the Consent Agenda. The purpose of the Consent Agenda is to propose motions that have been discussed by Board Members in advance and/or are expected to pass without objection. If the item does not fit this description, it should be proposed in New Business. Discussion of Consent Agenda items should be done via Slack prior to the meeting. Any Board Member present at the meeting may request that an item be moved from the Consent Agenda to New Business. The motions in the Consent Agenda (after any items are moved to New Business) may be passed as a group if there are no objections. Any motion that requests spending $250 or more must include a section on "Relevance to our tax exempt purpose".
No Consent Agenda Items
Officer Reports
Thanks to everyone for your support over the last year.
Made a new human last week. I appreciate the offers for help with the minutes. I plan to be back in action for January 2025.
No Report
Committee Reports:
Membership Committee (Ken Fuentecilla)
10 new members this month, 10 members left, 5 pending renewal
Marketing Committee (Sally Soles)
Working to secure space at the Leesburg Flower and Garden Show
Website Committee (Vacant)
No report
Leesburg Facility Committee (John Carter)
Nearly everything has been moved from the old Electronics Lab to the new space in the basement.
New light fixture in the back, new front fixtures being installed in the next week or so
Materials received for the upstairs bathroom.
Purcellville Facility Committee (Dave Painter)
Motor replaced on the compressor
Trash pickup is 1st and 3rd Tuesdays
Scheduling Committee (Jennifer Chu)
Jen will be coordinating some member feedback sessions to help develop a strategic plan for the future
Newsletter Committee (Jenna Conn)
No report
IT Committee (Scott Silvers)
Working on NAS - drive failed, not recognizing new drive
2 additional Adobe Creative Cloud licenses purchased
Standing Rules Committee (Jennifer Chu)
Finance Committee (Mary Waldron)
Unfinished Business
No old business
New Business
NB1: Adopt 2025 Budget (Bo Wernick)
Issue: Budget for 2025
Solution: 2025 Budget has been prepared with input from all Shop Stewards and the Treasurer. The attached documents discuss the important points and contain the detailed breakdown. The raw Consumables and Repair & Maintenance data is available on Google Drive in the 2025 Budget folder.
Relevance to Tax Exempt Status: None
Motion: Move to Accept the 2025 Budget Proposed. This also contains the roll-up of the Steward submitted Shop Budgets. Stewards will adhere to their submitted Consumables and Repair & Maintenance projections. A dues increase to $65 Individual and $130 Household is included, notice of which must be given to the membership by the end of December. Note that any submitted Shop Improvements must come before the Board as New Projects in 2025 for approval.
Second: Jim Waldron
Vote: Roll Call vote requested by Brad Hess
Jim Waldron: Aye
Jen Chu: Aye
Brad Hess: Aye
Evin Grano: Aye
Scott Silvers: Nay
Jonathan White: Aye
Motion Carries 5-1
2025 Budget Proposed
2025 Budget Notes
2025 Shop Budgets
Rules committee met and would like to submit these updates.
NB2: Changes to Bylaws(Jim W)
Issue: Bylaws 3.1.1 Fix wording
Solution: The Corporation has been formed under Virginia Nonstock Corporation Law for the charitable purposes described in Article II of the Articles of Incorporation, and it shall be nonprofit and nonpartisan. No part of the activities of the Corporation shall consist of carrying on propaganda, and the Corporation shall not participate in or intervene in any political campaign (including the publishing or distribution of statements) on behalf of, or in opposition to, any candidate for public office.
Relevance to Tax Exempt Status: None
Motion: Adopt new language.
Vote: Motion withdrawn by Jim
NB3: Changes to Bylaws(Jim W)
Issue: Bylaws 4.1.9 Start of Director term of office
Solution: The Directors’ term of office shall begin at the start of the Annual Meeting of the Board of Directors following the Annual Meeting of the Membership in which they are elected.
Relevance to Tax Exempt Status: None
Motion: Adopt new language.
Vote: Motion withdrawn by Jim
NB4: Changes to Bylaws(Jim W)
Issue: Bylaws Section 6.9.1 through 6.9.11 Replace
Solution: Remove 6.9.1 through 6.9.11
Replace with:
6.9.1 Members may not vote by proxy.
§ 13.1-847. Proxies Virginia Law (.gov) › chapter10 › section13
13.1-847. Proxies. A. A member entitled to vote may vote in person or, unless the articles of incorporation or bylaws otherwise provide, by proxy.)
Relevance to Tax Exempt Status: None
Motion: Adopt new language.
Second: Jonathan White
Vote: Motion carries by voice vote.
NB5: Changes to Standing Rules(Jim W)
Issue: Standing Rules 12.1
Solution: We no longer have this available.
12.4 There will be member storage lockers/cabinets available at Leesburg and Purcellville These lockers/cabinets can be rented for the fee designated in Section 10. Non-Members and Honorary Members cannot rent a locker/cabinet.
Relevance to Tax Exempt Status: None
Motion: Move to delete section 12.1 from the Standing Rules
Second: Jonathan White
Vote: Motion withdrawn by Jim
NB6: Changes to Standing Rules(Jim W)
Issue: Standing Rules 12.4
Solution: We no longer have this available.
12.1 Individual and Household Memberships are allowed one 17-gallon storage bin which will be placed in the member storage area in Leesburg, subject availability on a first come, first served basis.
Relevance to Tax Exempt Status: None
Motion: Move to delete section 12.4 from the Standing Rules
Vote: Motion withdrawn by Jim
NB7: Funding for Member Storage in Leesburg Classroom (Bo Wernick)
Motion: Move to waive 7 day notice.
Motion carries by voice vote.
Issue: Members have consistently been asking Leesburg Stewards for individual storage space at Leesburg. Whether it be for their consumables, jigs, hand tools, or class supplies; a number of our regular membership would be well served by having an on-site storage bin.
Solution: Purchase 24 HDX seventeen gallon totes and any hardware needed to anchor storage racks to walls.
Priority for bin usage will go to Instructors and Stewards, then on a first-come, first-serve basis to Members. The Member will be responsible for labeling their bin with their name and the date they last accessed it.
The Classroom Steward will be responsible for regulating the Member Storage area and tracking any bins that are not seeing regular access. If the bin is not accessed for two months, it will be emptied and relinquished to another Member.
Relevance to Tax Exempt Status: None
Motion: Move to allocate up to $300 to purchase 24 HDX seventeen gallon totes and any hardware needed to anchor storage racks to walls; with any remaining funds being returned within 2 months.
Vote: Motion passes by voice vote
Motion: Member Storage Bin Policy addition above to Standing Rules.
Motion: Move to waive 7 days to consider the motion
Motion fails by voice vote
Motion will be moved to next meeting as Unfinished Business
NB8: Directed Donation for High School Solar Team (Jim W on behalf of the Justin and Maria McMillen)
Motion: Move to waive 7 days to consider the motion
Vote: Motion carries by voice vote.
Issue: High School Solar Team would like to solicit Directed Donations Makersmiths has a number of members who coach high school teams for the KidWind STEM competition. As a result of Makersmiths spaces, tools, and volunteerism, the KidWind High School Team secured the global championship in May 2024 and placed at the national level in 2023. These teams are partially funded by the class fees for the Makersmiths class, the remainder of the costs have been supplemented by the coaches directly. In the course of the KidWind competitions, the students have made connections with many companies that work in the solar field, and have identified an opportunity for these companies to donate to the high school teams. These donations which would then be used to fund the shortfall in class fees for project costs. Most organizations would be looking for a 501c3 status for tax purposes. The plan is that the High School Solar Team would reach out to organizations for donations. These organizations would be instructed to either send checks to Makersmiths (address provided) with a note “High School Solar Team or go to the Makersmiths webpage, click on the Donate button, and fill out the form with “High School Solar Team” entered into the comment section and pay by credit card. The Treasurer will track these donations and reimburse the High School Solar Team for purchases of parts and supplies and possibly travel costs if the team goes to the World Championship from these donations.
Solution: Allow Directed Donations for High School Solar Team
Methodology: Patrons will go to the Makersmiths Donation Web page and enter their
donation amount along with a notation in the Comment field of "High School Solar
Relevance to Tax Exempt Status: None
Motion: Move to designate High School Solar Team as eligible for Directed Donations.
Any funds remaining at the end of the competition would be used for the next year’s
Makersmiths High School Solar Team costs.
Vote: Motion withdrawn by Jim.
NB9: Move to appoint Scott Silvers as Secretary of Makersmiths (Jim Waldron)
Motion: Move to waive 7 days notice
Vote: Motion carries by voice vote.
Issue: Our current Secretary, Bo Wernick, welcomed a new child to his family this month and has asked for someone to take over the duties of Secretary.
Solution: Scott Silvers has volunteered to take on the position
Relevance to Tax Exempt Status: None
Motion: Move to appoint Scott Silvers as Secretary.
Second: Jonathan White
Vote: Motion carries by voice vote.
Open Discussion
Meeting adjourned by Jonathan White at 10:11PM