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Scott Newman 

Cody Johnson 

Scott Silvers 

Dawn Martin

Jennifer Chu 

Mark R Millsap 

Stosh Kowalski


  • Provide forum for membership issues to be raised, discussed, and resolved



Role call

Approve minutes of last meetings

  • Approve July minutes - approved as posted

August Board/September General Membership Meeting Items
  • 315 Members/242 Memberships/151.2 FTE

Wild Apricot Data Review
  • Resumption of efforts to validate Waiver, Slack, August, and WA data (Needs admin access in WA - Scott N. has made some headway with the API)
    • Dream: Creation of member creates Slack invite, sends welcome email, lists upcoming NMOs, etc.

Open House Hosts/Tour Guides
  • Please consider helping out with this important task.
  • We have regular Open House hosts in Leesburg (Ken Fuenticilla) and Purcellville (Stosh Kowalski), but sometimes they need backup/relief.
  • If you are interested, you can attend the regular Open Houses in both locations to get comfortable with the requirements
  • Draft Tour Outline:, please Comment/Suggest 
  • Mention in Newsletter
  • Typical Open House questions - New members wanting open classes,
  • Tour Outline hardcopy for the spaces
  • QR codes for tools (usage checklists) 
  • Peat and Jen. Keith Sampson are backups, Mark willing to pitch in.
  • Jody Smith and Anthony Lesink and Diane Painter as emergency subs
  • Scott will make announcements for additional volunteers

New Member Orientation
  • August dates
    • August 7 and 21 online Mark is covering.
  • September dates
    • Next regular schedule is September 4 and 18 online, but pushing out to September 11 - Jennifer (In-person only) and 25 due to Labor Day holiday - who can cover these dates?the 25th? 
  • In-person vs. Online
    • Stosh moved: "Makersmiths will have two New Member Orientations per month, where at least one will have an in-person component and at least one will have an online component.. An NMO may have both components at the discretion of the instructor." Passed by voice vote.
  • Additional Volunteers wanted
    • Please consider helping out with this important task.
    • We have a regular instructors, but sometimes need backup/relief.
    • If you are interested, please sign up for and attend the regularly scheduled New Member Orientations.
  • Can WA signup auto-schedule NMO and add Slack invite and August access? Cause new members to land at a page of instructions.
  • In-person vs. Online

Vice-Chair Position
  • Please consider helping out with this important task.
  • I am looking for someone to help share the load of the Membership Chair.
  • Requires the ability to commit to some amount of time on an almost daily (or every other day) basis to learn and help manage the operations of this committee
  • No experience necessary, I am willing to train the right candidate

New Member Liaison Program
  • Report from Liaison lead: Not present

Onboarding/Offboarding process
  • Current process?
    • Jen C onboards
      • sends Slack invite
      • Sends welcome email
      • Adds to spreadsheet to make sure multiple people know status
    • Offboard - Scott N.
      • Process as documented in Membership SOP

Email monitoring
  • Who is handling which duties?
    • New member onboarding - Jen C
    • Prospective new members - STILL NEED VOLUNTEERS HERE
    • Brainstorm on possible approaches...
      • Form based inquiries from the website (Google forms, email subject tags, etc...)
      • Assign volunteers in lanes (multiple per lane, with mentorship) I think this makes the most sense as a starting point for current conditions, thoughts?
      • Scheduled duty?
    • Nate Jaenichen and Cody Johnson offered to help. Scott N. will reach out to coordinate details. Stosh has also volunteered. account
  • Who has access to this? Mark Millsap and Michael James.
  • How is it presently used? Not presently used. (confirm)
  • Open to any ideas for its use. (See Mark's document here
    • Templates
    • Collaborative vs. Shared
    • Aliases
    • How to use in conjunction with

Website gift card linkage status
Pending Scott's documentation

NMO Slides
Updates: Jen Chu has safety slide ideas. Mark has ideas too, meetings attempted but not successful. Jen will send proposed edits.

Prospective Member In-Person Meeting Requirement

Per #board_agenda_talk post on 2023-08-04:

"  5:24 PM
Something that @Jennifer Chu pointed out to me while we were chatting last night . . .   Someone may join Makersmiths, take the New Member Orientation on-line and never turn on their camera, then send an email to to get an invitation to door controls, and then have unfettered access to both locations without ever having to actually meet a fellow member.We'd like to suggest that there is something inherently dangerous with this process.  Further we'd suggest adding something to the process of becoming a member that involves at least meeting prospective members in-person and getting to know them a little bit."

What would a vetting process look like? Scott Silvers will take lead on this item.

Schedule Next Meeting
  • Normal schedule would be: September 13, 2023 at 7PM.
