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Table of Contents

Time and Location:

June 30, 2021 at Virtual Meeting - 7:00pm

Call to Order

Called to order at 7:07 with everyone present

Call to Order

NamePositionBoard Year in TermRoll Call
Brad Hess (Brad Hess)
Board Member, Chairperson


Brandon Bullis (Brandon Bullis)
Board Member3Y
Dave Painter (David Painter)
Board Member, Chairperson1Y
James Waldron (James Waldron)
Board Member23Y
Jonathan White (Jonathan White )
Board Member, Secretary1Y
Erin Werling (Erin Werling)
Board Member3Y2
Michael James (Michael James)
Board Member32Y

Consent Agenda

Newly proposed agenda items appear in the consent agenda. Any member present at the meeting may pull an item out of the consent agenda for discussion, at which point it goes under "New Business". If nobody objects to the solutions presented by the consent agenda, everything in the consent agenda passes by consensus. Items that have more than one proposed solution should be moved to the "New Business" section. Any member may propose an item on the agenda. However, discussion of agenda items should be done via Slack. The cut-off time for addition to or revision of the consent agenda items is 48 hours prior to the meeting. Please note, agenda items (Consent, New, or Old) that request spending $250 or more must include a section on "Relevance to our tax exempt purpose".

CA1: (@NAME)



Relevance to Tax Exempt Status: 



CA2: (@NAME)



Relevance to Tax Exempt Status: 



CA3: (@NAME)



Relevance to Tax Exempt Status: 



Officer Reports:


No report this month.


No report this month.


Negative income for the month of ~$3,000 for May.  Income was close to as budget.  200% higher class income and higher laser class income.  Deficit is caused by the higher ceramic shop supplies (approved by Board) came in May, rent in both Leesburg and Purvellville showing two months rent taken in May.  Purvellville was for April and May, Leesburg was for May and June.  Yearly insurance bill also hit the books in May.  YTD - class income well exceeding classes.  Expenses are high which is reflective of the ceramics and the increased budget for woodshop supplies.  Net income YTD of $8,358.  Monthly ending balance of ~$82,500.

Some fees on the UV printer in the legal fees section - setup fees.

Went through budget vs actual on project allocations.

Financial Statement: 

View file
name2021-05-31 Financial Report.pdf



Financial Statement: 

Member Reports:

Committee Reports:

New Member Orientation Committee (Chairperson Jessee Maloney)

Website Committee (Chairperson Jessee Maloney)

  • Lots of activity
  • About Us Section changed into 5 pages
  • Google Analytics now under a Makersmiths e-mail address so it can be used.  All accounts are under a e-mail address
  • Updated stewards list
  • Updated google scripts so that all calendars can go live
  • Post-pandemic page launched
  • Jonathan showed some of the stats from Google Analytics and Facebook posts.

Membership Committee (Chairperson Scott Newman )

  • Scott presented the committee report.

Leesburg Facility Committee (Chairperson Brad Hess)

  • Not seen anyone ready to take over as facility chair yet.  John said that there is someone who will co-lead.
  • AC issue has been fixed - will be taken off the rent.
  • Main water valve will be replaced - will be taken off the rent.
  • UV printer installed.

Purcellville Facility Committee (Chairperson Tom Hill)

  • Very successful workday.  Junk wood cleared out. THat area is cleaner than before.
  • Concrete pad for the power hammer and air compressor was poured.
  • New sign at Purcellville completed.
  • We should discuss whether shop stewards serve for a specified term.  Nothing seen in by laws that mention that.
  • Need a woodshop steward for Purcellville
  • Need an additional Red Tool trainer for Purcellville 

Scheduling Committee (Chairperson Diane DeMott Painter) 

  • Dave went through the report.

View file

Special Projects Committee (Chairperson Mike WerlingOPEN)

  • We need a chairperson for this committee.

Welding Committee (Chairperson Arthur 'Skip' Smith))

  • No report this month.

Newsletter Committee (Chairperson @Melissa Kowalski)

  • Newsletter will come out after the board meeting in the event there is anything to add.

IT Committee Chairperson Michael James)

  • Some minor changes to the network to support the new UV Printer. Static IP Addresses for the printer and the laptop. Working to flatten out the network a little. I added in a server with a virtual environment on it. I'm working to get it all IPed for our network and see if we can get some better management utilities working on the network. We have a new desktop out at MSP it has all the software on it. We have worked out some secure Remote Access so that the PCs and printers can be managed remotely. We are working on a system for opening up the laptops for use by the members.
  • Ask that members don't turn off computers.
  • The 3D printers at MSP are setup. We are waiting for a couple Micro SD chips and power cords, but they are on the way.
  • Wiki Pages - We have been updating the Wiki pages on the new 3D printers, and the Roland UV Printer as well as the other pieces of equipment that are attached to the network. Check them all out under Tools and Training Materials on the wiki page.
  • There is a list of tasks in the IT committee channel on Slack.

Video Committee (Chairperson Adam "Squirrl" McClintock)

  • No Report this month.

Custom Frame Shop Committee (Chairperson user - 17f4a) OPEN)

  • Anthony has asked to be a co-chairperson.
  • Project is close to being completed but needs to get over the finish line

Radio Club Committee (Chairperson Allon Stern )

  • No report this month.

Marketing Committee (Scott Acting Chair)

  • Scott presented his report.

Old Business:

OB1: Machine Access Controls (James Waldron)

Problem:  We are not currently able to gather machine operating hours or control machine access. Anyone can use any machine whether they have taken Red Tool training or not. This sometimes leads to machine damage and expensive repairs. Lack of usage information means that preventive maintenance is not related to actual machine time, may be overdue, or be performed too often.

Solution: Fit select machines with access controls. Device to allow only authorized users and to log usage information. There are both home grown and commercial options available. Home grown solutions are less expensive but initially have fewer features. Commercial options are more expensive but more fully featured. Integration with our existing systems and data stores are likely easier for home grown solutions, possibly harder for commercial solutions.

Relevance to our tax exempt status:  None

Proposed Motion:  Adopt Machine Controls for Select Machines. Establish a small Machine Control committee to; determine which machines need to be controlled, investigate the current commercial and home grown solutions and select 3, present those to the Board at the February meeting. The Board to select a solution at the February meeting.

Discussion: Jim says he probably has enough parts to build some working prototypes.  Dave - would like to see building a few of these and putting them in place and testing.  We almost had to buy a new tablesaw this week given the Delta organization being onsold multiple times.  This would have been $250 in parts that aren't available anymore.  Jim said it would be made available for Android and iPhone and you would use an app.  It would enable the machine for an hour at a time and sense current that would then extend the machine on time automatically.

Amended Proposed Motion: Establish a small Machine Control committee to test a machine control solution and present the results and proposed costs to the Board at the February meeting. 

Vote: Unanimous in favor.

Follow up on 02-24-2021: Delays due to snow storms but not ready to demo yet.

Follow up on 03-31-2021: Jim showed the prototypes.  Dave suggested we put it on table saw in Pville.  One could be repurposed to make a 3 phase version.  Nothing to vote on at this time.

Follow up on 04-28-2021: Dave suggests putting it one on table saw and one on the miter saw for testing purposes.  Jim will get prototype up and running in the next few weeks.  

Follow up on 05-26-2021: First unit ready to go for beta period.  Has an override button it during trialing.  Need a couple of static IP addresses for Purcellville.  One for table saw and one for mitre saw.  

Follow up on 06-30-2021: Jim still working on it.  Has had family in town.

New Business:

NB1: (Michael James )

Issue: Propose to adopt a new Membership Structure that will get more members into the space and make Makersmiths more attractive to Corporate Sponsors

Solution:  Adopt a new Membership structure as below. The feeling is that with a lower barrier to entry and with full access we will maintain more members, we will add more new members, and we will add corporate sponsorships because of the visibility that our larger membership base will provide.

Relevance to Tax Exempt Status:  None

Proposed Motion 1: 

Makersmiths, Inc. adopts the following Membership levels effective August 1:

Guest Membership
  • Receives invitations to our events.
  • Receives our periodic Newsletters keeping you informed of what's happening here, new projects and events.
  • Use of space at invitation of Individual or Household Members.
  • Can pay online for classes, workshops, tool time, etc.
  • Considered Supporting Member for By-laws purposes
Individual Membership
  • All of the Guest Member benefits noted above.
  • Special Discounts on classes, workshops, materials and tool use time like discounts on use of laser cutter. Discounts are the same for Individual Members and for Household members.
  • Prices for Tool Usage are discounted and are consistent for both Individual Memberships and Household Memberships.
  • Permission to bring a (
  • 1
  • 2)
  • guest
  • guests who shall remain under the control of the Member. The guest is required to have a signed waiver on file. The Member accepts full responsibility for their guests actions.
  • Use of all our tools (subject to safety and training requirements)
  • Full 24/7 access to all Makersmiths locations
  • Considered Regular Member for By-laws purposes (1 vote per membership)
  • Requires minimum 2 volunteer hours per month.
  • The Individual Monthly Membership fee is $50 per month
Household Membership
  1. All of the Guest Member and Individual benefits noted above.
  2. Special Discounts on classes, workshops, materials and tool use time like discounts on use of laser cutter. Discounts are the same for Individual Members and for Household members.
    1. In addition, A Household member can attend a class with household minors for a single class fee. (ex. Mom with two children can attend a 3D printing class for a single class fee).
    2. This does not apply to workshop classes where there are materials costs. 
    3. This also does not apply to Household Members that are over 18.
  3. Prices for Tool Usage are discounted and are consistent for both Individual Memberships and Household Memberships.
  4. Permission to bring up to (3) guests who shall remain under the control of the Member. The guest is required to have a signed waiver on file. The Member accepts full responsibility for their guests actions.
  5. Membership may include adult household members living at the same address, together a "Member" at the discretion of the primary member.
  6. Full 24/7 access to all Makersmiths locations.
  7. Considered Regular Member for By-laws purposes (1 vote per
membership, cast by the primary member
  1. Household Member over 18)
  2. Requires minimum 2 volunteer hours per month per household member as defined above.
  3. The Household Monthly Membership fee is $100 per month.

Motion seconded for discussion by Brad Hess.

Amendment to original motion 1: Erin Werling proposed that we remove the bullets 2.a,2.b and 2.c from the Household Membership description.

Michael seconded.  

Discussion: No discussion at that point in the proceedings.

Vote: 7 in favor.

Amendment to original motion 2: Dave Painter proposed that the membership fee values are changed to $75 for individual and $100 for household.

Jim seconded.


  • Ed suggested that the models are all guesses.  Worry about membership revenue lost is valid but not easily predicted.
  • Jim - suggested that in his experience, any change to the membership structure will result in lost members.
  • Brad - suggested he prefer rate at proposed rates.  Some may convert from individual to household memberships.  
  • John D - Asked when this should happen.  
  • Scott - When Scott made the basis of this plan, the problem was to plan for a transition out of COVID, when associates lots access, what would those associate members do?  If we make the change to pricing, we do that at a later date.  Disengage the change for associate access from the right membership price.

Dave withdrew his amendment following discussion.

Dave motioned to table the original motion until the next board meeting.

Jim seconded the motion.


  • Jim would like to give the Membership Committee time to continue to review the effects on membership.
  • Brandon asked about what instructions are given to the committee.
  • Scott - asked about what exactly the committee is being asked to look at.  
  • Brad - if we vote to make the changes rates to members, he believes we will see a drop in membership.  If we go ahead with the plan to move to $50 and $100 and then change rates at a future date.  Decouple the change in access and a potential membership rate increase.  Let's use the buffer we have to deal with any potential shortfall between a change today and a rate increase.
  • Michael J - Michael understands that the motion is to table.  The membership committee talked to lots of people, did interviews and came to us with a recommendation.  They came to us with their recommendation.  It sounds like we are telling the committee what they want to tell us what want to hear.  Michael cleared up some areas of ambiguity from the membership committee proposal.

Amendment to proposal to table: Jonathan White - Table the motion for this evening, and ask the membership committee to return to the board with their assessment of the two membership price level as discussed tonight. 

Vote on amendment to table: 3 in favor, 4 against.

Vote on Dave' motion to table: 3 in favor, 4 against.

Amendment to original motion 3: Brandon - Amendment to motion is to convert existing Associate Members to Individual Members and Full Members to Household Members.

Seconded by Jonathan.

Vote: 7 in favor.

Amendment to original motion 4: Erin - change the number of guest members for both membership types to 2.

Vote: 7 in favor, 0 against

Vote on Michael's motion as amended: 5 in favor, 1 against, 1 abstention (Jim).

Dave asked the membership committee to review the effects of the changes just voted on as they effect website, new member orientation classes, bylaws and any other changes required to implement this change.  Jonathan and Michael agreed to support Scott in looking at these changes.

NB2: (Jonathan White )

Motion: Jonathan - Extend the door access changes for Associates implemented during COVID and set to expire on July 1 to August 1st.

Seconded - Brandon seconded.

Discussion: None

Vote - 7 in favor.

Open Discussion

  • Discussion about adding a Slack channel for open jobs that come in from public requests.
  • Discussion - Brad suggests that we make sure to bring the discussion at the October board meeting about raising membership rates in January.  Track very closely the changes over the next  3 months about how many members have downgraded, joined, losses and gains.

  • Scott will reach out to those Associate members who have been having multiple people on that membership type.

  • Jim - also need to continue our membership prospecting. Need to continue to look for new members.


Dave adjourned the meeting at 9:38.