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Table of Contents

Time and Location:

7pm ET Virtual Meeting

Call to Order:

Meeting called to order by Jonathan White at 7:02pm.

Board/Officer NamePositionTermAttendance (Y/N)
Brad HessBoard Member2022-2025Y
Bev MurdockBoard Member, Secretary2021-2024Y
Dave PainterBoard Member2020-2023Y
Jessee MaloneyBoard Member2022-2025Y
Jonathan WhiteBoard Member, President2020-2023Y
Scott NewmanBoard Member2021-2024Y
Mike DeWanBoard Member2021-2024Y
John DubelkoTreasurer2022-2023Y
Casey "Squirrl" McClintockPresident2022-2023Y

Consent Agenda

Any Board Member may make a motion in the Consent Agenda.  The purpose of the Consent Agenda is to propose motions that have been discussed by Board Members in advance and/or are expected to pass without objection.  If the item does not fit this description, it should be proposed in New Business. Discussion of Consent Agenda items should be done via Slack prior to the meeting.  Any Board Member present at the meeting may request that an item be moved from the Consent Agenda to New Business.  The motions in the Consent Agenda (after any items are moved to New Business) may be passed as a group if there are no objections.   The cut-off time for addition to or revision of a Consent Agenda motion is 48 hours prior to the meeting. Any motion that requests spending $250 or more must include a section on "Relevance to our tax exempt purpose".


Approval of Prior Minutes

2022-12-28 Meeting of the Board of Directors

Vote:  Motion carries by voice vote to approve the minutes

Officer Reports






View file
name2022-12-31 Financials.pdf

Committee Reports:

Membership Committee (Jen Barlev)

No report

Marketing Committee (Jason Gilligan) 

Marketing Survey Results

View file
name2023 Membership Survey Results.pdf

Raw data shared on #BoardTalk only

Website Committee (Maggie Toth)

No report

Leesburg Facility Committee (Jessee Maloney)

Oral report

Purcellville Facility Committee (Tom Hill)

Oral report from Dave Painter

  • HVAC updates completed
  • Increase in maintenance issues
  • Instances of equipment left running (e.g. dust collector, propane heater)

Scheduling Committee (Jennifer Chu)

No updates to report

Newsletter Committee (Melissa Kowalski)

No report

IT Committee (Scott Silvers)

Video Committee (Squirrl McClintock)

Oral Report

  • Potential member survey for needs, interests
  • Investigating potential grant
  • UPS donation

Custom Frame Shop Committee (Open)

Jonathan White provided update

  • Chair needed
  • A lot of interest
  • Need assistance in setting up equipment

Maintenance Committee (Dave Painter)

  • Oral report
  • See Purcellville update on maintenance issues

STEM Committee (Diane Painter)

No report

Unfinished Business


New Business

NB1: Approve Amendments to the Bylaws (Jonathan White)

Issue:  The Bylaws required updates to address the running of the Makersmiths organization.

Solution:  A group comprised of Jessee Maloney, Squirrl McClintock, Bev Murdock, Scott Newman and Jonathan White reviewed the current Bylaws to address necessary updates such as streamlining the Director election process, reduces the burden required to hold a special meeting without minimizing Director input, defines rules for acceptance of donations and other issues.   The recommended changes are available in a document comparing the currently adopted Bylaws with the suggested amendments.   The document showing the tracked changes with commentary on the changes is available here:  Comparison of Makersmiths Bylaws As Adopted vs Amended

Relevance to Tax Exempt Status:  None


Move to approve the Bylaws of Makersmiths as presented here: Makersmiths Bylaws - - Amendments As Proposed - January 25, 2023

Vote:  Motion carries by voice vote

NB2: Approve Amendments to the Standing Rules (Jonathan White)

Issue:  The Standing Rules required updates to address the running of the Makersmiths organization.

Solution: A group comprised of Jessee Maloney, Squirrl McClintock, Bev Murdock, Scott Newman and Jonathan White reviewed the existing Standing Rules to address minor updates.  The document showing the tracked changes with commentary on the changes is available here: Comparison of Makersmiths Standing Rules As Adopted Vs As Amended

Relevance to Tax Exempt Status:  None


Move to approve the Bylaws of Makersmiths as presented here: Makersmiths Standing Rules - Amendments As Proposed - January 25, 2023

Vote:  Motion carries by voice vote

NB3: Approval of $1,200 Grant (Jonathan White)

Issue:  A grant was awarded to Makersmiths for $1,200 from the The Cadeaux Fund, a Donor Advised Fund of Renaissance Charitable Foundation which currently requires Board approval.

Solution: Accept the Non-Restricted grant Makersmiths was awarded $1,200.  Per the meeting on 2022-10-25, this grant was to be used to complete the power wiring required to support the new jointer in the Leesburg woodshop.  A copy of the letter is available to Directors on Slack.

Relevance to Tax Exempt Status:  None

Motion: Move to accept the $1,200 grant from The Cadeaux Fund, a Donor Advised Fund of Renaissance Charitable Foundation.  Create a budget line with $1,200 for Leesburg Woodshop Upgrades to be used to complete the power upgrades necessary to support the new jointer in the Leesburg woodshop, with any remaining funds made available to the Leesburg Woodshop Steward for additional equipment and materials.


Motion to amend:  Move to accept the $1,200 grant from The Cadeaux Fund, a Donor Advised Fund of Renaissance Charitable Foundation.  The funds are agreed to be used for the Leesburg Woodshop.

Vote: Motion as amended carries by voice vote.

Open Discussion

Open Discussion


Meeting adjourned by X at YJonathan White at 8:38pm.