Time and Location:

Meeting to be held remotely.

Call to Order:

Meeting called to order by Dave Painter at 7:00PM.

Board/Officer NamePositionTermAttendance (Y/N)
Brad HessBoard Member2019-2022Y
Bev MurdockBoard Member2021-2024Y
Dave PainterBoard Member, Chairperson2020-2023Y
James WaldronBoard Member2019-2022Y
Jonathan WhiteBoard Member, Secretary2020-2023Y
Scott NewmanBoard Member2021-2024Y
Mike DeWanBoard Member2021-2024Y
John DubelkoPresident2020-2021Y
Mary WaldronTreasurer2020-2021Y

Consent Agenda

Any Board Member may make a motion in the Consent Agenda.  The purpose of the Consent Agenda is to propose motions that have been discussed by Board Members in advance and/or are expected to pass without objection.  If the item does not fit this description, it should be proposed in New Business. Discussion of Consent Agenda items should be done via Slack prior to the meeting.  Any Board Member present at the meeting may request that an item be moved from the Consent Agenda to New Business.  The motions in the Consent Agenda (after any items are moved to New Business) may be passed as a group if there are no objections.   The cut-off time for addition to or revision of a Consent Agenda motion is 48 hours prior to the meeting. Any motion that requests spending $250 or more must include a section on "Relevance to our tax exempt purpose".

CA1: Appointment of Custom Framing Committee Chair (Scott Newman )

Issue: Anthony Lesink asked to be replaced as the Custom Framing Committee Chair.

Solution: Teresia Scott has volunteered to be the Custom Framing Committee Chair. She is currently on the committee.

Relevance to Tax Exempt Status: None

Motion: Move to appoint Teresia Scott as the Custom Framing Committee Chair.

CA2: Complimentary Membership for Jason Hill (Scott Newman)

Issue: Jason Hill would like to renew his Complimentary Membership. He has restarted the Ceramics program and has offered classes that were well-received. His primary and almost exclusive use of the space is related to the Ceramics program.

Solution: Renew Jason Hill's Complimentary Membership.

Relevance to Tax Exempt Status: None

Motion: Move to renew Jason Hill's Complimentary Membership for a further 3 months.

Consent Agenda carried on voice vote.

Approval of Prior Minutes

2021-07-28 Meeting of the Board of Directors

Vote: Jim moves that the minutes are approved.

Vote: Vote carried on voice vote.

Officer Reports


No Chairperson's Report.


Effort underway to collect and store all official documents in Google Shared Drive.


Committee Reports:

Website Committee (Jessee Maloney)

  • Jessee gave the Website Committee update

Membership Committee (Scott Newman)

Leesburg Facility Committee (Jessee Maloney)

  • Jessee gave the Leesburg Facility Committee update.
  • Brad gave update about discussions on extension of lease for 3 years with first right of refusal and potential sale.

Purcellville Facility Committee (Tom Hill)

  • Dave gave the Purcellville Facility Committee update.

Scheduling Committee (Diane Painter)

Special Projects Committee (OPEN)

No Report

Welding Committee (Skip Smith)

No Report

Newsletter Committee (Melissa Kowalski)

  • John Dubelko gave the report on behalf of Melissa.
  • Please sent any newsletter information to Melissa.

IT Committee (Michael James)

  • Michael James gave his report.

Video Committee (Squirrl McClintock)

  • No Report

Custom Frame Shop Committee (OPEN)

  • No Report

Radio Club Committee (Allon Stern)

  • No Report 

Marketing Committee (Scott Newman - Acting Chair)

  • Scott gave Marketing Committee Report

Bylaws and Standing Rules Review Committee (Jonathan White)

  • Jonathan gave Committee Report

Unfinished Business

OB1: TITLE (Person Proposing)



Relevance to Tax Exempt Status:


New Business

NB1: Addition to Leesburg Facility Budget (Jonathan White , Jessee Maloney )

Issue: The Leesburg location needs a handful of repairs, upgrades and additions.

Solution: The Leesburg Location Committee met with all of the room and machine stewards and compiled a list of all the combined wants and needs. We have itemized the entire list and divided it up by section with totals for each.


Relevance to Tax Exempt Status: None

Motion: Move to Allocate up to $16,552 to the various Leesburg Rooms, Equipment and Building.  No second.

Motion: Move to allocate $5,145 to the Leesburg Facility Committee towards the goals of the Entire Building goals. Motion seconded.  Debate and discussion.

Motion to Postpone: Motion to postpone discussion of this topic further until a Special Meeting of the Board of Directors, and set the Special Meeting of the Board of Directors for Thursday September 2nd at7:00pm, and setup a new Slack channel called Leesburg Funding Request with the Leesburg Facility Committee, the Board and any other invited Member eligible to join.

Vote: Carried by voice vote.

NB2: Brad Hess (@Brad Hess)

Issue: Need Tormach Equipment to support use of the machine.

Solution: Brad will purchase the equipment and then be reimbursed.

Relevance to Tax Exempt Status: None

Motion: Motion to reimburse Brad Hess for up to $1,200 for a fixture plate for the Tormach out of Tormach class fees as they are collected over time. 

Jim motions to close debate. Seconded.

Vote: Carried by voice vote.

NB3: Mary Waldron (@Mary Waldron)

Issue: Need for reserve fund for machines and purchase of Leesburg

Motion: The Board will pursue purchase of the Leesburg facility and establish a capital reserve fund in pursuit of that goal.  Motion was seconded.

Motion to amend the motion to: The Bylaws and Standing Rules Committee, will become the Long Term Planning Committee once it completes it's remit under its current committee charter. Motion is seconded.

Motion to suspend debate: Seconded.

Vote: Motion carries by voice vote.


Motion to Adjourn. Seconded.  Vote: Motion carries by voice vote.

Open Discussion

Machine Access Controls Project:

  • Follow up on 02-24-2021: Delays due to snow storms but not ready to demo yet.
  • Follow up on 03-31-2021: Jim showed the prototypes.  Dave suggested we put it on table saw in Pville.  One could be repurposed to make a 3 phase version.  Nothing to vote on at this time.
  • Follow up on 04-28-2021: Dave suggests putting it one on table saw and one on the miter saw for testing purposes.  Jim will get prototype up and running in the next few weeks.  
  • Follow up on 05-26-2021: First unit ready to go for beta period.  Has an override button it during trialing.  Need a couple of static IP addresses for Purcellville.  One for table saw and one for mitre saw.  
  • Follow up on 06-30-2021: Jim still working on it.  Has had family in town.
  • Follow up on 07-28-2021: Jim gave additional update.  Jim to test control box on Mitre and Table saws in Purcellville
  • Report on First Month Usage.  Additional units can be constructed for between $95 and $135 each.  (Depends on phase and current.  Single phase 20 Amp units are less expensive than 3 phase 40 Amp units.  Units for more than 40 Amps will need a separate quote based on the cost of the contactor.)  Android application is complete.  iPhone app needs to be compiled and tested (need an Apple computer and an iPhone for this).  Currently, I am the only person with the phone app (Android).  If we decide to proceed, we need to create a data base of users and their password (I believe we decided to use their Makersmiths Wifi password - available from Wild Apricot (?) ) and roll out the application to our user base.   Production units will not have an override button (or it will be disabled when we have essentially complete roll-out of the application).  Some machines may need a disconnect for changing blades or other maintenance. 
  • Suggest we mark this initial proof of concept project complete and formally start a new project if we decide to proceed.

Matters Arising from Review of Bylaws and Standing Rules For Discussion

  • Number of Proxies per person
  • Definition of Officer roles beyond "...as the Board Directs"

Door Log Results for Leesburg and Purcellville

  • Results for 2020 and 2021
  • Estimated and Actual (sort of) hours the facilities were open
    • Some folks do not use the box (they do not use the touchscreen to show the facility open)
    • There were some power failures resulting in the units being off-line
    • There was at least one instance of power fluctuations that messed up the current time base in Purcellville.  Rebooting solved that problem.
    • I think the Leesburg unit is currently off-line. (for about the last 5 days or so).
    • Sometimes folks forgot to touch close and the facility showed open overnight.
    • Actual numbers are probably somewhere between Estimated and Recorded Time - trending towards Recorded Time
    • Amzon Skill (Skill = Makersmiths Status, "Alexa, what is the space status?") is logging about 1 use per month.

  • No labels